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All Quicksilver annotations by page number

All annotations by page number

This is the complete list of page annotations. It's manually generated, so if you create a new entry you should add it to this page.

If you would like to create your own annotations1, you can add a new file to the git repository. Many annotations were authored by Neal Stephenson, but anyone is welcome to add constructive annotations. A constructive annotation is one that supplies accurate and useful information about some aspect of the book.

The annotations refer to the American hardcover edition, ISBN 0380977427.

v - Baroque Cycle (Neal Stephenson)

vii - To the woman upstairs (Jeremy Bornstein)

ix - Many other scholarly works (Jeremy Bornstein)

xiii - Invocation (Neal Stephenson)

xvi - The London Map (DaMe)

1 - Those who assume hypotheses... (Neal Stephenson)

3 - Jack Ketch (Neal Stephenson)

3 - ...dollop of hills... (Neal Stephenson)

3 - ...a squadron of lobsterbacks... (Dennis Traub)

4 - ...On Sir Isaac Newton's temperature scale... (Alan Sinder)

4 - ...pale gray eyes... (Andux)

5 - ...the preacher's rantings... (Alan Sinder)

5 - ...the last one... (Neal Stephenson)

6 - Cartesian number-line (Neal Stephenson)

7 - Ben. Son of Josaiah. (Gary Thompson)

8 - Barker (Neal Stephenson)

8 - King Carlos the Sufferer(Alan Sinder)

9 - …a loud fellow…(Alan Sinder)

9 - Charing Cross (Neal Stephenson)

9 - Restoration (Jeremy Bornstein)

10 - D.G. HISPAN ET IND REX (Alan Sinder)

11 - Hypothesis of Vortices (Neal Stephenson)

12 - Minerva... (Alan Sinder)

13 - Some Irish, the rest Angolan... (Alan Sinder)

15 - Daniel Waterhouse (Neal Stephenson)

16 - Massachusetts Bay Colony Institute of Technologickal Arts (Neal Stephenson)

16 - Massachusetts Bay Colony Institute of Technologickal Arts (Patrick Tufts)

18 - ...heard by their future Queen... (Chris Swingley)

20 - A harder question (Jeremy Bornstein)

21 - John Comstock and Thomas More Anglesey (Neal Stephenson)

22 - Monsieur Le Febure (Neal Stephenson)

22 - T'was all rubbish (Alan Sinder)

22 - …anointed him with angelbalm, a thousand years old (Alan Sinder)

22 - John Wilkins...Cryptonomicon (Neal Stephenson)

25 - Clarke (Neal Stephenson)

26 - Cha, or chai, or the, or tay(Sorenson)

29 - ...rub his prisoner's face... (Neal Stephenson)

33 - show the boy Euclid...(Alan Sinder)

36 - It is the product of five primes. (Gary Thompson)

36 - No linear indexing system (Edward Vielmetti)

40 - The priority dispute has turned vicious (Alan Sinder)

43 - Fellow Armenian (Jeremy Bornstein)

48 - Demolishing the cathedral (Jeremy Bornstein)

46 - ...campus of domed pavilions (Alan Sinder)

60 - Isaac was pale and starlight(ghash)

64 - Mrs. Goose (Neal Stephenson)

69 - well-trimmed ship (Neal Stephenson)

69 - lascars (Jeremy Bornstein)

71 - eyeball experiments (Brett Kuehner)

74 - wheel by which the ship is steered (Neal Stephenson)

75 - sundial synchronization (Bill Seitz)

78 - Isaac Barrow (Neal Stephenson)

80 - Stourbridge Fair (Alan Sinder)

86 - Ashkenazi (Jeremy Bornstein)

91 - Atlantic is striped with currents (Chris Swingley)

92 - The page ends abruptly. (Scott Elkin)

94 - found God (Neal Stephenson)

96 - YOU AND I ARE BUT EARTH (Gary Thompson)

110 - Walbrook (Lotzmana)

112 - at Epsom (Neal Stephenson)

114 - Hooke approaches (Neal Stephenson)

124 - Word arrived that Fermat had died (T Whalen)

124 - Punishments (Neal Stephenson)

128 - Fly stuck to quill (Neal Stephenson)

139 - Systematic Alphabet (Jonnay)

142 - symmetry of snowflakes (Jeremy Bornstein)

146 - the western horizon (Armaced)

150 - Newton at Woolsthorpe (Neal Stephenson)

160 - Regents Firewall (Simon)

161 - Blunderbuss (Professor Bikey Bike)

165 - Zeno's Paradox (Matt Zwolinski)

166 - Schooners (Neal Stephenson)

166 - Strange information (Neal Stephenson)

166 - Teach (Neal Stephenson)

170 - CABAL (Neal Stephenson)

170 - John Locke was writing a constitution for Carolina(Mike Lorrey & Alan Sinder)

176 - Black Velvet (Scott Elkin)

181 - In the House of Monsieur Le Febure (Neal Stephenson)

182 - Ned Ward (Neal Stephenson)

183 - Meeting of the Society (Neal Stephenson)

185 - Tarantella (Alan Sinder)

187 - Samuel Pepys (Joe Goldberg)

195 - Comstock House (Neal Stephenson)

197 - Knott Bolstrood (Neal Stephenson)

197 - Knott Bolstrood (Jeremy Bornstein)

215 - The dog shit in the boat (Neal Stephenson)

222 - The sun becomes an oval (John B.)

233 - Chirurgeon (Jeremy Bornstein)

236 - Once More Into the Breeches (Neal Stephenson)

246 - Apthorp---the second A (Neal Stephenson)

253 - What is to come? (Eric S. Raymond)

257 - Jeova Sanctus Unus (Professorbikeybike)

270 - John Wilkins... (Pronoiac)

271 - Daniel saw gears, cranks, shafts. (Trismegis2)

278 - ...truth can be grasped as if pictured on paper.(Gary Thompson)

299 - …When you turn the crank?(Alan Sinder)

305 - The Bernoullis (Jonnay) 308 - Richard Comstock

316 - the first few terms of a series (jere7my tho?rpe)

318 - ...the monster (Alan Sinder)

343 - Jack Ketch (The Shabby Sheik)

367 - Imp of the Perverse (Neal Stephenson)

370 - Qwghlm (Neal Stephenson)

379 - ...elaborate lace undergarments (Michael Turyn)

383 - Merry madrigal tunes (Jeffrey Radcliffe)

385 - Bartholomew Fair (User:

385 - Bartholomew Fair (Alan Sinder)

391 - Haiduks (Professorbikeybike)

391 - Watered steel-blade (Neal Stephenson)

397 - J'ai besoin... (Jeremy Bornstein)

398 - ...Frenchman wears those sabots (Professorbikeybike)

400 - Winston Churchill (Neal Stephenson)

422 - fine golden beer from Pilsen (David C. Weichert)

424 - Chinese fortune-teller (Jeremy Bornstein)

427 - Fuggers and Hacklhebers (Neal Stephenson)

427 - Potosi in Peru (Neal Stephenson)

442 - arsch-leders (Jeremy Bornstein)

444 - sabotage (David C. Weichert)

449 - wedges-and-sledgehammers trick (Professorbikeybike)

450 - Walpurgisnacht (Jeremy Bornstein)

460 - that bloke in the myth (Jeremy Bornstein)

463 - L'Emmerdeur (Jeremy Bornstein)

475 - …half a mile of Sophie (Alan Sinder)

476 - Damplatz (Neville Kuyt)

477 - Ijselmeer (Neville Kuyt)

487 - old musketeer hat (Quillman)

512 - Ambassadorial standoff (Neal Stephenson)

513 - d'Avaux (Neal Stephenson)

517 - Sluys (Neal Stephenson)

518 - Ultima Ratio Regum (Jeremy Bornstein)

520 - Spij (Sander van Malssen)

533 - nerf du boeuf (jere7my tho?rpe)

536 - O wha-at the Hell was on God's mind... (Jeremy Bornstein)

552 - Duc d'Arcachon (Neal Stephenson)

552 - master-stroke (Jeremy Bornstein)

559 - Hotel d'Arcachon (Neal Stephenson)

576 - rotten fish (Neal Stephenson)

578 - over the horizon (Jeremy Bornstein)

588 - cancaniers (Jeremy Bornstein)

598 - If you are going to tap me on the shoulder (Jeremy Bornstein)

605 - Hava Nagila (Alan Sinder)

613 - the previous twelve years (Neal Stephenson)

614 - Knott had attempted to indict Nell Gwyn (Neal Stephenson)

621 - Brevis Demonstratio Erroris... (Craig Stuntz)

622 - Drs. Hammond and Griffin (Neal Stephenson)

622 - Sizar (Quillman)

631 - Feversham (Neal Stephenson)

638 - comte de Beziers (Neal Stephenson)

641 - Wilkins cypher (Neal Stephenson)

645 - Vôtre Majesté (St.CountZero)

646 - Oyonnax and Ozoir (Neal Stephenson)

647 - Boullaye and Beber (Neal Stephenson)

652 - Edouard de Gex (Neal Stephenson)

654 - a frightful purplish swelling (Al Ju)

654 - a certain déshabille (St.CountZero)

660 - What of Newton? (Neal Stephenson)

660 - Elixir Vitae and usquebaugh (jere7my tho?rpe)

662 - De Motu Corporum in Gyrum (Craig Stuntz)

673 - I have met the Duke of Monmouth... (Jeremy Bornstein)

674 - LIBRI I. CONICORUM APOLLONII (Neal Stephenson)

677 - Wren library (Doug Miller)

688 - Theologians? Sorcerers? (Neal Stephenson)

688 - hypotheses non fingo (Steven Horst)

697 - Dorset, June 1685 (Pronoiac)

704 - King's Own Black Torrent Guards (Neal Stephenson)

705 - made a slave. (Neal Stephenson)

707 - Huygens's house (Neal Stephenson)

724 - the Book is consumed by the flames (Neal Stephenson)

735 - Fall of Batavia (Neal Stephenson)

740 - polder (Quillman)

744 - letters to William of Orange (Neal Stephenson)

747 - A Swiss mathematician named Fatio (Neal Stephenson)

772 - Sghr (Jeremy Bornstein)

804 - in fact it was a vector (Olivier Gerard)

811 - Bonaventure Rossignol (Neal Stephenson)

826 - crypto-embroidery (Neal Stephenson)

829 - Eliza's journal entries (Neal Stephenson)

839 - Ernst von Pfung (Neal Stephenson)

839 - The Saarland (DaMe)

847 - Belgian river-boats (St.CountZero)

850 - Eleanor and Caroline (Neal Stephenson)

855 - banger (Jeremy Bornstein)

855 - King of England in waterfront bar fight (Neal Stephenson)

857 - blowout fracture (Henry Pollock)

860 - Castle Upnor (Neal Stephenson)

864 - Glorious Revolution...Moment It All Happened (Neal Stephenson)

883 - bhang (Quillman)

886 - cosh(Quillman)

916 - time time(Quillman)

921 - Cromwell, Roger...(Alan Sinder)

  1. The convention for naming page annotations is "Author Last Name:Author First Name:Book Name:Page number:brief excerpt (Author)".