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Akasha, The Queen of the Damned

Akasha's creation as the first vampire occured circa 4011 BC before the first civilisations. She was worshipped by her progeny through the ages more as a myth than a leader and was described by many names. In the most common legends She and Enkil, her spouse, are referred to as "Those Who Must be Kept."

In her mortal life Akasha originated from the city of Uruk in the Tigris and Uphrates Valley. She went to Kemet to become the bride of Enkil and Queen of the region, bringing new ideas and beliefs to the area. One of these was the banning of the custom of eating the flesh of a deceased parent, the crime for which Maharet and Mekare were taken prisoner.

She became a vampire having had her skin pierced by Amel and his entering her body. She went on to make vampires of her husband, her right hand man, Khayman, and many others of whom we hear no more, in order to aleviate the insatiable blood thirst she had acquired.

The Queen and Enkil were protected by many keepers through the centuries, among them Marius. Their bodies became completely hardened with time and they no longer needed to feed. They went into seeming trances for centuries on end. The Queen used to experience "life" in this time by occupying the minds of lesser vampires, such as Baby Jenks.

Akasha was woken again by Lestat and his music in the twentieth century, and took him as her new lover, destroying her husband.

She was destroyed herself by the Twins having wiped out the majority of the vampire population with fire.

Vampire Family Tree