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Augean Stables

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Hercules is backed by Athena/Minerva against the Hannibal Lectorish offspring of Mars/Ares.

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The Augean Stables figure into the twelve labors of Heracles.

The fifth task set to Heracles was to clean the Augean stables in a single day. Augeas ("bright") was King of Elis and husband of Epicaste. The stables of Augeas housed the single greatest number of cattle in the country and had never been cleaned until the great hero Heracles arrived. The reasoning behind this labor was twofold, firstly, all the previous labors only exalted Heracles in eyes of the people so this one would surely degrade him; secondly, the stables of Augeas (King of Elis) housed the single greatest number of cattle in the country and, having never been cleaned, this task was surely impossible. Heracles, however, rerouted two rivers (Alpheus and Peneus) and cleaned the stables quickly and easily. Augeas was irate because he had promised Heracles one-tenth of his land if the job was finished in one day. He refused to honor the agreement and was killed by Heracles, who gave his kingdom to Augeas' son, Phyleus, who had been exiled for supporting Heracles against his father.

In commemoration of this feat, Heracles founded the Olympic Games.

Original text from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.