Brain Tanning Scratchpad (Timberbee)
From the Quicksilver Metaweb.
Obtaining The Hide
Soaking the Hide
- Ash, or No Ash
- Rotting the Hide
The Fleshing Beam
The Scraper
- Scrapper from a leafspring
- Scrapper from a tibia
The Process
The Rack
- Materials
- Tools
Types of Racks
The permanent Rack
Mortise And Tenons
- Chair Style
- The Portable Rack
Racking the Hide
- Preparing the Hide for the Rack
- How much cordage, and what kind
- Letting it Dry
- Hair or no Hair
Applying the Brains
Re-Racking the Hide
twisting the Hide
Staking the Hide
- Don't let it Dry
- Is it Done Yet
- smoking materials
Types of Fire
Smoke House
Related Articles
- Dry Scrape
- Wet Scrape
- Custom Butchering, a first person look at rural butchering practices. An alternative source of Domestic Hides, and Brains.
External Links
Tom Brown Jr. Tom's courses are often many peoples initiation into the hands on world of brain tanning. At the time I took many of his classes, the focus was on Dry scraping. Judging from what many, somewhat, recent students are doing, I would say that this focus is possibly shifting to Wet Scrape.
- This site offers some excellent resources, discussions and links to two of the major elements in Modern American Braintanning, Wet scraping and Dry scraping. There should also be numerous links to various authentic, aboriginal American techniques, both historic and present day.