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Brain Tanning: Sourcing The Hide (Timberbee)

From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

Deer, Bear, Elk and Other Game Hides

I have generally obtained my hides from two differing Sources, one was from Hunters themselves, the other was from Meat Cutters, in the end, Both Sources got their Hides from the same supplier -- Off the Back of someone who used to wear it.

Meat Cutters


Almost everyone knows someone who Hunts, regardless of where One lives in the Greater U.S.. I have found that Hunters are some of the most Outgoing, and Open people, when approached with respect. Interest in their passion is often met with Great apprectiation and the Honest desire to share.

Where Obtaining Hides from a Meat Cutter was often a matter of cold, hard cash, garnering hides from Hunters has generally, for me, been anything but; a Transaction often begun with a silence, and a gruff, "Ever skinned a Deer?". Interest is also a commodity, if it is one you have in abundance, it will open many doors.

Cattle, sheep, Goat Hides

Custom Butchers

For those seeking Hides of the Domestic nature, Custom Butchers are possibly one of the better sources.

Custom Butchers are those who are those who are hired to actually Kill, skin, and, gut the animals, possibly Halving, or Quartering the carcases as well. The disposition of the Hides, and of the Heads, is generally left entirely up to the Butcher, and, for many, when sold to a Broker, may yield as much or nearly so, as any direct payment for the Killing.

It is mainly a rural practice, given that most of the larger, and many of the mid-size, and even small, cities in the U.S. no longer allow the raising of livestock within their borders.

If you don't know a Butcher yourself, one of the better ways of finding one is to ask a Local farmer. A few Head running in a side pasture is a good indication that they either know of a Custom Butcher, or of a small, local, slaughterhouse

Obtaining the Hides may be as simple as making a phone call, and putting out a bit of cash. Or, as was in my case, it might require lending a helping hand, leading to years of Sunday Milkings, and phone calls at Two in the morning, on bitter cold December days. As to which is More worthwhile... I will leave that to you to discover.