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Why the way of the Samurai has its appeal to Hiro ...      "... The Deliverator never pulled that gun in anger, or in fear. He pulled it once in Gila Highlands. Some punks in Gila Highlands, a fancy Burbclave, wanted themselves a delivery, and they didn't want to pay for it. Thought they would impress the Deliverator with a baseball bat. The Deliverator took out his gun, centered its laser doohickey on that poised Louisville Slugger, fired it. The recoil was immense, as though the weapon had blown up in his hand. The middle third of the baseball bat turned into a column of burning sawdust accelerating in all directions like a bursting star. Punk ended up holding this bat handle with milky smoke pouring out the end. Stupid look on his face. Didn't get nothing but trouble from the Deliverator.      Since then the Deliverator has kept the gun in the glove compartment and relied, instead, on a matched set of samurai swords, which have always been his weapon of choice anyhow. The punks in Gila Highlands weren't afraid of the gun, so the Deliverator was forced to use it. But swords need no demonstrations...."


Burbclave, n. 1. amalgam of suBURBan enCLAVE, i.e. a gated community.

Real estate development corporations develop one design for the sort of gated community their architects and planners decide represents their brand, and they apply that design to the landscape wherever they decide to plant a franchise Burbclave. Thus, like any customer of McDonalds, a resident of The Mews At Windsor Heights, Santa Barbara, is at home in any TMAWH anywhere in the world. It is the franchise model applied to one's suburban community experience.

The said development corporation will denude forests, excavate mountains, or change the course of rivers and streams to make their Burbclave comply with the brand plan described in the three ring binder.

Political Contracts

When one becomes a citizen of a Burbclave chain, one joins as a signatory of that nations Constitution, with certain rights, privileges, obligations, etc. that one contracts for. The Burbclave is more than just where one lives, it is one's nationality, one's Private Provider of Law, and which contracts a Private Protection Agency to enforce that constitutional contract. Citizenship is voluntary, and in most cases, dependent upon your ability to pay your community association fees.


Beyond the brief descriptions, these Burbclave brands are open for further development: * The Mews at Windsor Heights - Upper middle to Upperclass executive/professional types, likely a precursor to the Neo-Victorians of The Diamond Age * White Columns - Upscale white separatists. * New South Africa - ultra racist, white separatists, inhabited by Klansmen, Neo-nazis, Afrikaaners of middle to lower class. * Metazania - For black racist/separatists * Gila Highlands - Where the Deliverator was once forced to defend himself. * Caymans Plus - For those who offshored their assets before the collapse of the dollar. Secure private financial enterprises. * The Alps - A Swiss FOQNE. Every resident is well armed. Secure private banking for all * The Heights at Bear Run * Cinnamon Grove * Dixie Traditionals - For the Southern Conservative * Pickett's Plantation - another apartheid burb * Meadowvale on the(insert name of river) * Brickyard Station - Yuppie urban brownstones * Rainbow Heights - Upwardly mobile minorities