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Elizabeth Finkle-McGraw

From the Quicksilver Metaweb.


The door swung open halfway, and Colin Finkle-McGraw appeared. His face was still ruddy from the wind on the moor, and it bore a forced grin that was not terribly distant from a smirk; though his brow knit up periodically as Elizabeth emitted an especially piercing shriek of anger. In one hand he held a copy of theYoung Lady's Illustrated Primer*. Behind him, Mrs. Finkle-Mcgraw could be seen holding Elizabeth by the wrist in a grip that recalled the blacksmith's tongs holding a dangerously hot ingot ready for smiting; and the radiant glow of the girl's face perfected that analogy....

... "She was rude to the servants, Father, and so we have confiscated the book for the rest of the afternoon. It's the only punishment that seems to sink in- we employ it with some frequency."

"Then perhaps it is not sinking in as well as you suppose," Lord Finkle-McGraw said, looking sad and sounding bemused.*

Community Entry: Elizabeth Finkle-Mcgraw

Elizabeth is one of only three girls in the world to have recieved an original copy of Hackworth's Primer, and is the young lady for whom it was originally designed. As an Equity Lord's granddaughter, she grows up in a wealthy neo-Victorian family, with servants and rolling estates. She is highly snobby, yet rebellious; her grandfather doesn't sound too angry though... the Primer appears to be working as planned. Midway through the novel (perhaps at the age of twelve?) she leaves her family and joins Cryptnet, we don't hear of her after that.