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This is The Confusion page for Jeronimo.


His snarky comment to the Governor's wife in Mexico also invokes Jonathan Swift. Let's just call him Jeronimo and hope his demon is under control...

Authored entries


Jeronimo is one of The Ten in The Confusion. His background story is mostly told in the opening chapter. He is also known as the infamous "El Desamparado," which means "Forsaken by God." He's a middle-aged, somewhat twitchy, vile but high-born Spaniard. His tale is what sets the Kohan's plan into action.

His full name

"My name is Excellentissimo Domino Jeronimo Alejandro Peñasco de Halcones Quinto, Marchioni de Azuaga et de Hornachos, Comiti de Llerena, Barcarrota, et de Jerez de los Caballeros, Vicecomiti de Llera, Entrín Alto y Bajo, et de Cabeza del Buey, Baroni de Barrax, Baza, Nerva, Jadraque, Brazatortas, Gargantiel, et de Val de las Muertas, Domino Domus de Atalaya, Ordinis Equestris Calatravae Beneficiario de la Fresneda."