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From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

This is in Metaweb:intermediate form.

authored entries

communal entry

Questions about community.

Is there a Metaweb Community?

If so, is there more than one? If not, how can something really be a "community" if people don't agree on what they agree on?

Is there a Metaweb:social contract or constitution?

What risks do every member of the community agree to take in common? What harms might they suffer together? If none, are they really a community in the sense we physical beings with real bodies understand it?

Some ideas of community:

One definition of a community is those who accept one version of a story. Another is those who accept a common glossary of important moral and ethical terms. A third is those who live in the same place. A fourth is those who accept some obligations to each other, like in Neal Stephenson's Reformed Distributed Republic from The Diamond Age.

Metaweb:some body, Metaweb:no body, Metaweb:contributor, Metaweb:party, Metaweb:faction, Metaweb:ideology, Metaweb:spam, Metaweb:governance ideas, etc.

See also epistemic community