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Community Entry: nanosite

Nanosites are infinitesimal devices whose main territory is the human body. The name derives from "Nanotechnological Parasite". Occurences in the novel:

  • Bud had a set of Nanosites embedded in his muscles, for the purpose of electrical stimulation. This allowed him to work out constantly, without the need to visit a gym.

  • Miranda and other ractors have a racting grid implanted in their skin. This grid of nanosites covers a ractor's entire body and varies in density, from only a few on the top of the head to massive amounts in the face, particulary around the lips and eyes where emoting is more noticable. The grid acts as a motion-capture system, relaying the ractor's motion to the media network.

  • The drummers rely on a nanosite, spread by the transmission of body fluid, to maintain their gestalt society.

  • Nanosites can also take the form of weaponry. Rebels led by Zhang used an infestation to kill roughly fifteen thousand men in a single night. Constable Moore was also injured by a similar, but primitive variety. It's safe to assume that his body's immune system fought it off, but left him scarred.

  • Medicinal nanosites can be used to help heal wounds, kill pain, and treat disease, presumably by performing surgery on a nanoscopic level.

  • Judge Fang uses specialised nanosites when torturing suspects for information. These can send false pain messages along nerves, torturing someone while not leaving a single mark.

Nanosites as used in Mobile Marketing

A Nanosite is a downloadable offline mini-website tailored for mobile phones. Utilising both J2ME and .NET.

  • Nanosites have become popular amongst companies want to utilise another media for corporate branding.

  • A Nanosite can be easily downloaded to a mobile handset via WAP, GPRS, WiFI or Bluetooth.