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Photo annotations on Flickr (Patrick Tufts)

From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

Flickr user notlikecalvin has made a photoset of Tower of London locations mentioned in The System of the World. He's also noted which pages the photos correspond to. Here are some examples, along with a link to the full set.

Page 268

The first Bloody Tower was a broad, massive, handsome Gothick arch that led directly onto the Parade via the court where Rufus MacIan was now standing. Thanks to the Russian, the light shining through that arch was reticulated by a massive grid of iron bars.

Page 265

Of the motley line of half-timbered houses that stretched along the southern verge of the Parade, the Lieutenant's Lodging lay farthest to the west. The one Rufus MacIan was concerned with was at the opposite, easternmost end, therefore closest to Bloody Tower... Between its eastern face and Bloody Tower was an open ground perhaps fifteen yards across - a narrow enough interval to allow for targeted musket-fire.

Here's a link to the full photo set, and a slideshow.