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Qwghlm's Ducal Family (Alan Sinder)

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Intermediate page for Qwghlm's Ducal Family


That bilharzia was brought to Europe by the slave trade Eliza means to thwart stinks of irony.

Qwghlm's Ducal Family

From the Qwghlm House chapter in Cryptonomicon *“ … The man is related to the Windsors in a way so convoluted that it can only be expressed using advanced genealogical vocabulary. He was born Graf Heinrich Karl Wilhelm Otto Friedrich von Übersetzenseehafenstadt, but changed his name to Nigel St. John Gloamthorpby, a.k.a. Lord Woadmire, in 1914. ...”

Lord Woadmire is not related to the original ducal line of Qwghlm, the Moore family (Anglicized from the Qwghlmian clan name Mnyhrrgh) which had been terminated in 1888 by a spectacularly improbable combination of schistosomiasis1, suicide2, long-festering Crimean war wounds3, ball lightning4, flawed cannon5, falls from horses6, improperly canned oysters7, and rogue waves8. …"*

Footnotes as such

  1. Bilharzia (schistosomiasis): Schistosoma haematobium eggs were the first parasite eggs recorded in archaeological material. A paleoparasitologist named Moore found in Medieval English Latrines fossilized trichuris. Emergence and dispersing of schistosomiasis along the Nile was confirmed by current research in High Nubia, by the finding of S. haematobium eggs in natural mummified bodies dated of 2400 B.C.E.; Coprolites show this was done gradually through prehistoric Sahara favored by nomad caravans and the slave trade along the Nile. S. haematobium eggs were found in a pit adjacent to a house of the 15th-16th century, in France. In the same latrine S. mansoni eggs were also found. It is interesting to discuss the presence of both parasites in the same context. Both urogenital and intestinal schistosomiasis are considered of African origin. Regarding the find of both species of schistosomes in France, it is possible that an European could have been infected during a trip to Africa. On the other hand, as was a common practice during the 15th and 16th centuries, an infected African brought to France might have eliminated these eggs. It is also interesting to note that apart the well preserved eggs, a fragmented worm body was found , showing the extremely good conditions to preserve organic material in this kind of environment.

Moore, Peter D., 1981. Life seen from a medieval latrine. Nature 294 : 614.

  1. Suicide: Seems to envelope the Italian, Czech and Germanic Duchies. Grand Fenwick anybody?

  2. Long-festering wounds from the Crimean War: Italian Dukes suffered as Italy was not unified.

  3. Google this with a ~ducal modifier gets one Andromeda fanfiction and Frank Herbert's Dune.

  4. The Muscovite Wars and the Polish Ascendancy (1648-1700)

  5. Lord Ellesmere ended his branch in 1878 toppling from horseback it seems.

  6. Oysters were cheap in Prussia and the Nederlands. Dukes ate them in months without 'R's it seems.

  7. Rogues are known as 'outsiders' by surfers. Googling waves with the modifiers of ~Ducal ~succession leds to Victor Maurice, comte de Broglie, 1647-1727, was marshal of France and fought in the wars of King Louis XIV. His son François Marie, duc de Broglie, 1671-1745, marshal of France, fought at Malplaquet (1709), in the War of the Polish Succession, and in the War of the Austrian Succession. King Louis XV conferred on him the ducal title inherited by his son Victor François, duc de Broglie, 1718-1804, marshal of France, who distinguished himself in the War of the Austrian Succession and the Seven Years War. Holy Roman Emperor Francis I made him prince of the Holy Roman Empire (1757), a title that remained in the family. and his descendant who gave us the The Guided Wave Theory -- Louis de Broglie with David Bohm. Waves of immigration were seen by the Duke of Westphalia ... as were waves of invasion ...