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From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

Reverting is an important tool in dealing with vandalism. Spammers have overwritten entire pages, and partial pages, meaning that simply removing the spam can result in a relatively incomplete page.

So, the procedure for reverting a page: 1. View the article or talk page. 2. Select the 'Page history' link at the top or bottom of the page. 3. Select the revision of the page to which you would like to revert; the date & time is the link for the revision. 4. Select the 'Edit this page' link at the top or bottom of the page. 5. Underneath the text editing area, there's a line in which you can mention the reason for the edit: 'Removing spam', for instance. Removing spam is a minor change. Then select the 'Save page' button. 6. The updated, reverted page should appear.