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Skull gun

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Community Entry: Skull Gun

In the age of nanotech, weapons can occupy miniscule spaces. The Skull Gun is a projectile launcher mounted on the front of the skull, on the forehead. It fires ballisticule ammunition through the skin, presumably using a retracting barrel that protrudes between skin cells to prevent the skin covering the gun from being blasted away. A skull gun has numerous benefits for one desiring a self-defense weapon, notably the fact it's easily concealed and responds quickly to subvocalised commands- you don't have to draw it. Drawbacks include poor accuracy and worse range. Bud's skull gun could also disperse shots en masse, like a shotgun blast. This increases recoil and ammunition use greatly, but increases the chance of a hit. You can also purchase special heads-up-display sunglasses known as "sights" to increase your aiming ability; presumably they interface with the gun's internal targeting system.

Ammunition types

Skull guns often have multiple ammunition magazines to store multiple types of ammo at a time. The following have been featured in the book: * Hellfire Rounds: Nanoexplosive, very powerful. What one would use if one wanted to see his opponent made into hamburger. * Cripplers: Less powerful, and presumably programmed to go off only once inside a muscle. Bud attacks an Ashanti with one of these rounds. The effect is that of a small smoking hole burnt into the muscle, which is rendered incapable of motion of any kind. * Electrostun Rounds: Not demonstrated, but presumably is a "less lethal" weapon, simmilar in effect to a "tazer". * "Popcorn": Test rounds, for target practice. Less power than a firecracker.