From the Quicksilver Metaweb.
Much of the correspondence in this book is encyphered. We are given some clues as to how this occurs, but nothing too explicit. I'd like this page to at least link to discussions of the various cryptosystems used in the novel, whether or not the details are known.
Secret Writings
- Wilkins cipher (Leibniz' correspondence with Eliza)
- Stephenson:Neal:Quicksilver:641:Wilkins cypher (Neal Stephenson)
- crypto-embroidery
- French diplomatic ciphers (Eliza's correspondence with d'Avaux)
- Substitution cipher
- Caesar cipher
- The Caesar cipher (Talith)
- The Vigenère Cipher
- The Vigenère Cipher (Brian Hicks)
- The Vigenère Cipher (Talith)
- The Grille
- Blowfish
- One-Time Pads
Cracking Systems
Cracked Communications
- Van Eck phreaking
- Red Boxing
- Blue Boxing
- Gold Boxing
- Captain Crunch Ring
- Sniffing
- Man in the middle attacks
- Social Engineering
- Brute Forcing
External links
- code tools
- Zimmermann Telegram - worth noting