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From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

Enlisted by Enoch Root to watch over Jack Shaftoe during his African bound trading venture (which ends badly); There may be more to this man.

Default position in life is being the proprietor of inns named “Bomb and Grapnel,” former slave of Barbary pirates and Sultan of Queena-Kootah.

His descendents apparently established the "foote mansion" on Kinakuta, as evidenced in Cryptonomicon.

A "Mr. Foote" appears aboard the Minerva in Book One of Quicksilver. During a conversation between an Irish sailor and a Plymouth whaleboat pirate, Mr. Foote is identified as a rival guncrew's member. Mr. Foote is said to defame an Irish sailor's guncrew's cannon (named "Wapping Wendy") as ("Wayward Wendy"). As guncrewman represents a major demotion from Sultan of Queena-Kootah, it is possible that this Mr. Foote is a relative or descendent, employed as a favor to the original Mr. Foote. As 30 years have passed since the original voyage of The Ten, it is likely the gun crewman is a son of the original Mr. Foote, who was already a bit old in the earlier era.