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Stephenson:Neal:Quicksilver:Mayflower (Waterhouse) Ham

From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

Aside: Mayflower is the wife of Thomas Ham.

Ham in the Bible, son of Noah. In biblical ethnography, Ham is the father of the nations Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan. In a story separate from the flood narrative, the legend related in the Book of Genesis and in the Qur’an suggests that Canaan was a son of Noah. The “Land of Ham” is a designation for Egypt in the Psalms. The Hamitic languages were named after this son of Noah. Noah is the grandson of Methusaleh, thus Ham is his great-grandson. Enoch fits in there somewhere.

It's Ham who gives the silver caduceus to the cynical 18 year old Daniel who in turn has given it to his young wife Faith in the Boston Colony some 40 years later.