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Talk:Geneva Bible

From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

last in first out.

Links will be made when we work down to the Elizabethans and Jacobians -- you have my word. Right now, we're dealing with the middle Baroque not the 'beard of Avon.' Adding UGLY red empty links don't really help ... Sparky 17:13, 2003 Dec 7 (PST)

T.L. Hubeart Jr. writes in his article The Roots of the KJV: Tyndale and the "Geneva Bible": " ... English Protestants who had fled to Geneva, John Calvin's stronghold, began work on a translation which would be known as the "Geneva Bible." ..." And its clear that the KJV was an important political action by James I. Sparky 19:46, 30 Oct 2003 (PST)