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Talk:Hermes (Myth)

From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

suspect this is a thin link to grenades ...

Pomergranate Tree

PUNICA GRANATUM A strong infusion cures ulcers in the mouth and throat and fastens teeth. A small tree growing to about 15 feet (4.6 m) with brownish bark, long, narrow, willow-like leaves and bright scarlet flowers. The fruit is the size of an orange, with a harder peel, containing sweet juice and numerous seeds embedded in pulp.

Where to find it: Originally from Western Asia, it grows widely in tropical and sub-tropical countries.

Flowering time

Early summer. Astrology: It is under Mercury. Medicinal virtues: Both the flowers and the rind of the fruit are strongly astringent. A decoction of them stops bleedings and purgings, and is good for the whites.

Modern uses

A decoction of the bark is used for expelling tapeworm - 2 oz (56 g) of the bark is steeped in 2 pt (1.1 1) of water for 24 hours, then brought to the boil and simmered until 1 Pt (568 ml) is left. The bark of the root has similar properties. The dosage is 2 fl OZ (56 ml), but it may cause nausea. The dose may need to be repeated and followed by an enema.

A decoction of the rind of the fruit cheeks diarrhoea and dysentery and, injected into the vagina, it cheeks leucorrhoea. It is also used as a gargle for sore throats. The juice of the fruit may also be used to expel worms from the bowel. It should be diluted in equal parts with water or with twice as much Carrot juice. It is also indicated in high blood pressure and arthritis.

I appreciate that people proof my articles - but it is an enhanced version of the Wikipedia one as it has stuff I added from other source material ... - Sparky 16:19, 2004 Sep 21 (PDT)