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Talk:Islamic revolution

From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

It's the wily Turks who triple sold land deeds who are responsible for the trouble between the gulled 19th century Lebanese and Zionist land owners (I've seen multiple deeds to Mount Carmel for example) who bought the same plot. The British just made a bad situation worse and enabled the Eqyptians to mistreat their citizens along the Gaza Strip. The Bedouin seem the most sensible of the lot. - Sparky 17:48, 2004 Apr 3 (PST)

Could be. Yes, the Turks definitely bear the lion's share of the blame for the screwed up politics and religion. But in general they have been out of the picture for 85 years, other than with the Kurds, a whole different problem.

And, who holds the deeds is one thing, whose court you report to, to adjudicate them, who has water rights, who can cut down whose trees, etc., is quite another.

Ask the Lebanese about the Syrians and the Bekka Valley, was in the area last in 1982 with an UN observer bud. Expect the Syrians to redirect the sources of the Tigris and Euphrates soon. - Sparky 00:44, 2004 Apr 6 (PDT)

Yeah, it's always a war waiting to happen, when a border bisects a watershed. That's why the peacenik type Greens all want bioregional borders to have legal and political status, like, districts would be formed based on them - en: Wikipedia: bioregional democracy. Stops gerrymandering too.

Degraded forms of Judaism etc.? Did you mean to write Christianity is a degraded form of Judaism?

No. Quite different issue. There was a now-extinct variant of Judaism in the Arabian Peninsula, akin to the Falashas' version, that was practiced by many Arabs. Remember that the Dome of the Rock was itself built on the older shrine to Abraham there. There was quite a bit of ancestor-worship, mixed idolatry, etc., like Rome or China, in that region. But it was the sort-of-Jewish Arabs that resisted Islam most strongly according to the records. It wasn't exactly a clash of civilizations, more of tribes. And the large number of Semitic Jews left in the region are a testament to the fact that no Christian-style genocides ever occurred there, as they did sadly in Europe.

Been inside, so you mean the Hellenized psuedo-Jews? And when the Crusaders took Jerusalem once - there was a pogrom.

OK, so it's the Christians that are the common factor, not Europe. You're right. That's what we get for trying to be nice. The extermination of the Judeo-Christian world domination game, which has been going on since those same Crusades, will be the most interesting political event of this century. If of course the nuclear weapons can be kept from going off.

Christianity considered itself a revival and correction; Whereas, Jews consider the splitting of GOD blasphemous. Many don't consider a Triune Godhead a true monotheistic POV. Judaism was pretty robust in the 7th Century along the Silk Road (even likely reaching Japan[1] [2]). I'd suggest a re-write.

The "robust" Judaism wasn't really affected. It was this somewhat odd variant that got extincted. Though it lived on among the Falashas and others.

I'd put the blame of Christianity's then decline on (the killer of fun) Saint Augustine. We see peaks and valleys as the religion grows, slowly evolves, and stagnates. True of most though.

Probably. But blame the whole rise of Roman Catholicism, not just Augustine. There were fanatics like "Saint" Cyril? of Alexandria doing horrific damage to the reputation of Christianity among the tolerant. It was likely behaviour such as his that kept the Coptics separate, and also led to the tolerance requirements in Islam, which are directly written in the Qur'an.

Which sutras? And remember - it was and is in the best interests of Islam to paint the Church Militant as black and evil as possible. No argument from me there tho - Sparky

Don't have a Qur'an handy. Muslims always tell me that some of the hadith that are contested are overtly anti-Jewish, but who knows who was meant by "Jew" when it was uttered, and, who knows if it was real. There are several collections of hadith, and none of the anti-Jewish ones shows up in ALL of them, so, that suggests that there was some politicking going on.

When the Church Militant is scraping the flesh off live female pagan librarians of Alexandria, down to the bone, with seashells (Cyril's contribution, for which he was sainted), genociding Muslims and Jews, and even its own heretics (Albigensian Crusade against the Cathars), and then doing Inquisitions, helping pacify and enslave the Americas, etc., then in the modern day covering for pedophiles and other child abusers... I don't think they deserve a defense. Judeo-Christian civilization is coming to an end, and its successor will probably not be this nice secular humanism thing, except in a few enclave countries.

nitpicking - Bath party? Which one - the Syrian or Iraqi one? It's normally spelt with an extra “a” as in Ba'athist Party.

No standard transliteration, pick one and stick to it. The two parties have the same root, but in Iraq, under British administration, they started more clandestine, whereas in Syria they were supported under the ruling Vichy French.


Plus - how long are you going leave empty red links in this article? - Sparky 18:18, 2004 Apr 3 (PST)

When it's clear who has an unbiased version of an article to point to, it'll be easier to do this. Really what we need is to auto-generate stubs based on keywords in the title - and a check to see whether the article really exists.

I'd vote for WikiInfo until the Recyclopedia returns as they seem to have implemented GetWiki.

The right answer is really to move to GetWiki - which auto-imports Wikipedia or whatever other source is specified; Voila! All links closed, and the Metaweb pages are an overlay on the Wikipedia pages, with their special emphasis respected.

One problem is, GetWiki's author, named Parrot/Proteus or something, seems to have set himself up as GodKing, and is doing a rather poor job of it. He's turning it into a testbed for his software, rather than a serious alternative to the Wikimedia corruption.

The time may have come for FSF itself to actually take control and enforce the GFDL and clear out all these petty GodKings and their stupid friends. A lot of people contributed to the GFDL corpus in good faith, and they're being mocked and abused daily by these people. Also the crappy PHP software has to go: both mediawiki and getwiki are trash compared to Python or C++ or C# or even Java code that could be written as a better front end to do the same things. Applied Minds was interested in doing something like this, or they'd never have set up intermediate pages... So where is that discussion going?

WikiInfo then?

What happened to Recyciopedia? - Sparky 15:50, 2004 Apr 5 (PDT)

Hosted in New Zealand - most such sites have fierce bandwidth limits. It may not come back. Also, the Wikipedia cabal was vandalising it heavily, trying to censor discussion of Wikimedia's problems and their hijacking of GFDL corpus. So maybe they hit it with crapflood to deny service. That would be very much like their mentality.

Lovely. Ah well. Thanks for the info.