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Talk:King James Version of the Bible

From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

Sparky seems to hate inline links so much that he doesn't use them. This is entirely against the prevailing style both here and at Wikipedia. It is, in a word, wrong.

The main point of a metaweb is to let people take an inexact concept and very quickly drill down to what they're interested in, which might have a quite different phrase associated with it. This they do by finding an article and looking for links. It's the link editing (what to include, what to exclude) that actually distinguishes the character of a given project. Look around at the various ways a software project A pro consumer wiki, politically motivated project An anti-PR anti-spin wiki do it, and look again at how deeply linked Wikipedia articles are.

Miss the point much? No link until the info is at hand. Shakespeare and the talented Elizabethians are NOT the focus of Quicksilver. DisInformation is Bad Data. My input has wieght because I back it with personal research. You can add your links in a community entry. Go ahead. Then again I don't hide faceless behind an IP address. Sparky 16:50, 2003 Dec 9 (PST)

Maybe Jack Shaftoe is right about remembering his version of the Bible has buggery in it. - Sparky 23:47, 2004 Apr 14 (PDT)