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Talk:Stephenson:Neal:Quicksilver:36:According to what scheme? (Alan Sinder)

From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

Book annotation question

How does this collection of texts connect to page 36 of Quicksilver? It's interesting information, and it would be easier for users to find if it were linked to more appropriate references in the book. --Pat 11:39, 26 Jan 2004 (PST)

The information is interesting and presented scattershot on the page. As they are the tumbled cards Enoch spills onto the floor of Massachusetts Bay Colony Institute of Technologickal Arts lab of Daniel Waterhouse. Some of the answers are given to us by Enoch's history lesson for Ben Franklin and spills over to when he chats with young Godfey. It's clear that in the context of the novel the Arminian heresy factors in a way with the development of Free Will just as Daniel will be involved with inspiring the newest set of stupendous badass engineers key to resolving the great confusion.

I'm reading the book real slow my fifth time in and I can't see yet when Japan came into Daniel's range of studies.

As to how to present it better -- I'm open to suggestions.

I'm not sure hwo to work this interface. First, congratulations on Quicksilver. One notes the reference to Smolin - all is info.

Pedantry follows. However, if you write a historical novel as anything but an alaegory or fanatasy, one does need to make soem gestures to accuracy. Thus:

Cabal were Clifford, Ashby,Buckingham, Arlington and Lauderdale. The geenral who welcomed Charles II was Monck, who indeed was the first commander of the Coldstream Guards. However, "Duke Tweed" is a little like "President Potomac" of the USA. First, Dukes have to be of somewhere, and second, the Tweed would be an unhappy location, being a river. Anglesea is a Marquesate, which arguable ranks a Duke. Young Cromwell was Richard (and keen on his rear, hence the saying "a queer as dick's hatband', used until WWII.)

Niggle, niggle; but it's my history you are misquoting, and it is as painful as a cracked tooth in hot cocoa to hit a clang in the middle of what is otherwise utterly fine.

I've moved this to its' proper space Talk:CABAL; Stephenson:Neal:Quicksilver:CABAL is where it is explained ... - Sparky 05:33, 2003 Dec 24 (PST)

I attempted to revert to remove spam; diffs appear, though, they're non-obvious, & I can't see them, much less fix them. - Pronoiac 04:12, 9 Oct 2004 (PDT)

You're doing fine. This is a talk page, where we hash out the articles. - Sparky 21:09, 2004 Oct 9 (PDT)