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Talk:Stephenson:Neal:Quicksilver:List of people

From the Quicksilver Metaweb.


It would be informative to have a notation to distinguish real people from history, fictional people, and quasi-historical people.user:qoq

The list of notable Baroque figures puts fictional characters in italics, and others not. Quicksilver characters could always be boldfaced, and that would not interfere with either the non/fiction italics, nor with the user interface colours and underlines normally associated with links. Sensible?

Multilayered Bluffing Stratagy

Dappa seems to be worth a mention for his "multi-layered bluffing stratagy" quip.

As does the Mineva's handy handed Captain van Hoek.


Quicksilver as 'Mercury' appears in several aspects -- in paintings and in metaphysical discourse. Mercury is mentioned as poison and possible pox cure. Hermes is also linked to Alchemy -- as Hermes Trismegistus the thrice greatest -- as the teacher the magical system known as Hermetism of which high magic and alchemy are thought to be twin branches. Its funny to note that Drake Waterhouse's mutilated face with its lack of a nose shares the same fate that befalls some of those unGodly libertines seeking a pox cure.

Merciful MINERVA

Minerva AKA 'Athena' pops up too. She is a high tech ship (which must have had several incarnations if her crockery is old as Daniel Waterhouse observed on page 92; And since we must believe 'Dappa the hipster' about Minerva being a Malabar Brigantine and not some mere floaty Flemish-style boat that zogs1 when it shouldn't.

  1. Now I understand "zog-zog" from the Ringo Starr Caveman film.

ISBN 0521796628 The Alchemy Reader: From Hermes Trismegistus to Isaac Newton

ISBN 0521425433 Hermetica: The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius in a New English Translation, with Notes and Introduction by Brian P. Copenhaver (Editor)

Aside:Eddie Campbell's comics about Bacchus feature a very nasty Hermes (the tenfingered Postmaster of the Gods in a nasty Yakuza "... someone's trying to send you a message**" way. His approach to the Telchines (The Gods of Commerce) was fresh back in the early '90s... Sparky 06:18, 2 Nov 2003 (PST)

page 92 wm. morrow edition

This is my first time to the site so I apologize if this has been well covered and I just can't find it! My copy of Quicksilver (Wm. Morrow) ends page 92 mid sentence! Can anyone fill me in on what comes after "...all of a sudden it's __________"??????

It's covered -- page 92 is Daniel on the Minerva and his memory takes him back to - The Plague Years which is the next chapter. * Stephenson:Neal:Quicksilver:92:The page ends abruptly. (Scott Elkin)