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Talk:Stephenson:Neal:The Confusion:88:Ali Zaybak (Neal Stephenson)

From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

It googles fine:

Oh, I come from a land, from a faraway place

Where the caravan camels roam

Where they cut off your ear

If they don't like your face

It's barbaric, but hey, it's home

When the winds from the east

And the sun's from the west

And the sand in the glass is right

Come on down, stop on by

Hop a carpet and fly

To another Arabian night

Arabian nights

Like Arabian days

More often than not

Are hotter than hot

In a lot of good ways

Arabian nights

'Neath Arabian moons

A fool off his guard

Could fall - and fall hard

Out there on the dunes

"Watered steel-blade, the world perfection calls, Drunk with the viper poison foes appals, Cuts lively, burns the blood whene'er it falls; And picks up gems from pave of marble halls;" Strike with thy stubborn steel, and never fear Aught save the Godhead of Allmighty Might; And shun ill practices and never show Through life but generous gifts to human sight.

Interesting imagery ala 1001 nights as well. Best - Sparky 01:24, 2004 Apr 15 (PDT)