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Talk:Theory of Evolution

From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

ISBN 0819132829

Apes, Angels and Victorians: The Story of Darwin, Huxley, and Evolution

by William Irvine, Julian Huxley

A wonderful book on the subject, the Time paperback c.1960 is worth about $ 400.00 USD

Again -- these occur way past the Baroque Age. Sparky

Sure, but if people insist on writing about these ideas, so what? There is as yet no statement of Metaweb:scope anyway.

It's also not true. Johannes Kepler was the first to state that the whole Earth is one "round organism". This is obviously Gaia theory. And, the whole Copernican Universe put life (and Earth) at the centre. So at least the broader de-Chardin-like ideas were quite common, indeed standard, in the Renaissance, and it was the Baroque era when they were discarded in favour of the "control ethic" and "mechanistic paradigm" that led us to colonization and nuclear weapons... the whole notion of exploration for cultural purposes like knowledge arose also in the Baroque era - before that it was part of Islamic, but not European Christian, culture.

• I appreciate community editing of the below paragraph so it isn't one voice paraphrasing old textbooks

Working on it... changed the ending to relate to some larger ideas.

It would be fascinating to know how the same phenomena were explained in the Baroque era!

Exactly. Well, start with Kepler and his near-Gaia theory, and go from there.