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This online forum below covers Arts, Tmxxine, and Technical Support.

Tmxxine OAUSAI

How often do we travel to other dimensions? Or places of the imagination?

Fond memories and favoured childhood rainbow creations. These imagined places are as real as Sanity Clause is to our child. Everyone knows that. Some cultures feel our realm is the dream time and the dream world is more real.

Thus is how ye shall see all this fleeting world. A star at dawn, a bubble in a stream, a flash of lightning in a summer cloud, a flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream. the Diamond Sutra

Those who know the reality of the world, know it well that the world is nothing but a mirage Gisu Daraz

Quantum physics is preparing to slip not just through time but reality itself. The OSS Tmxxine project created by a group of 'holygeeks', rogue alchemists, freelance hackers and open source extremists has plans so radical that even the Dalia Lama is producing an extra chuckle.

BIM traveller

What is Tmxxine? Tmxxine is for time travelers and travelers to other dimensions.

How soon will I be able to book my future holiday? It will take time. First we have to transmit data from the present time to the future.

Will I be able to phone 'next year'? Maybe in the future, next year will be available yesterday.

Is that weird? At the present time it is difficult to conceive

How do we build a time machine? We need the ability to bend, concentrate and accelerate very small things called quanta

What is a brane? A brane is short for membrane. Each dimension is called a brane.

The Ozmonaughts (travelers to other realms) have created a chat room called CurlChat for communication both in this realm and to others. The computer hacking model of reverse engineering has enabled the Tmxxine team to prepare for a voluntary code of conduct reminiscent of the first directive from Start Trek to be ratified by the Chronology Protection Agency. A set of agreements, 'the IDA', for trade and diplomacy between dimensions is being developed.

Just google the word tmxxine and a new inner world emerges. A variety of websites that blends innovative computing languages, dervish ideas of drifting, shamanic cage jumping and cutting edge Quantum theory.

Using a computer hacking model of reverse engineering the Tmxxine team came to the conclusion that:

  • Movement between time and branes - different dimensional mem(branes) - is on the verge of scientific breakthrough.
  • It is possible to alter chronon time entanglements (small 'packets of quantum time') at the macro level
  • Only an open and free society can be responsible for the technology which offers limitless strategic advantage to old world order politicians

Tmxxine has proposed a voluntary code of conduct reminiscent of the first directive from Start Trek to be ratified by the Chronology Protection Agency and a set of agreements, 'the IDA', for trade and diplomacy between dimensions:

Tmxxine Prime Directive

  • The right of each sentient to live in accordance within its normal cultural evolution and continuum is considered inviolate.
  • No Chronology Protection Agents may interfere with the development of alternative time and brane continuums. Such interference includes the introduction of superior knowledge or technology to a realm whose environment is incapable of handling such interaction.
  • CPA personnel may not violate this Prime Directive, even to save their sanity unless they are acting to right an earlier violation or an accidental contamination. This directive takes precedence over any and all other considerations, and carries with it the highest moral obligation.

Tmxxine concludes that the software to control hardware must be open source and decided to start writing it; relying on the hardware being created as an afterthought or the future result of their early efforts.

Using the lateral thinking made famous by Edward de Bono tmxxine was bringing reverse engineering to the quantum level. Always moving beyond and to the side, allows them to come up with solutions before the arising of problems.

Tmxxine have made some remarkable predictions (which they consider history). Some forecasts; the demise of the movable storage, the rise of open source software, the rapid adoption of speech recognition and translation are easy enough.

Others are a little more off-stream

  • The emergence of a winX operating system that combines the best of propriety and open souce systems.
  • Quantum storage devices. Devices that store all information from the Internet in an infinity grid.
  • The rise of the search engines – the manipulation of data as the new area of focus for commercial IT technology.

Introduction to Tmxxine

Tmxxine hardware and software project, is a diverse, public domain exploration of alternative time continuum's and dimensions. Multidisciplinary; encouraging philosophers, net browsers, technologists, artists, programmers and scientists. Tmxxine is open and multidimensional through intent, structure and goal.

What is the goal?

We are working towards software and generating an understanding of the potential hardware. Side projects will enable and develop the skills of active participants.

Tmxxine Church Lecture

What is the history of the Project?

N.B. It has always been our intention to close down hell and set up a communication with heaven. Church funding is not available in this time continuum.

The first creation was Tmxxine HolyGeek e-mail forum to develop secure and reliable computing resources and skills whilst introducing some of the ideas of Quantum Physics. At this time the project was largely introductory in nature. Early efforts concentrated on skills development, developing workable design paradigms, information gathering, concept familiarisation, skill interdependence and mutual actualization

The need for a hardware model established Tmxxine ProjeX e-mail forum which introduced the Tmxxine Laxmi Foundation as a practical means towards funding support.

What has been achieved so far?

Prototype Consoles have been created in NetLogo which outputs java. A communication prototype, CurlChat, used for regular net meetings, has been created in the Curl Language. XBasic is being used for a prototype expected for release in 2008CE Extensive support for a secure OS has created the continuining emergence of DVD recordable OS Puppy Linux. We are now moving into wikis and web based prograamming and resources.

| [](/http-www-chronos-ws-a); | the ultimate guide to time travel, teleportation, temporal phasing and other applications of nine-dimensional theory | | [](/http-www-phys-uconn-edu-faculty-mallett-html-a); | Ronald L. Mallett Ph.D., Professor of Physics Research Group Affiliation Particle and Field Theory R. L. Mallett, "Weak gravitational field of the electromagnetic radiation in a ring laser," | | [](/http-www-friesian-com-paradox-htm-a); | Robert Heinlein's 1941 story "By His Bootstraps" begins with the narrator writing in a philosophy thesis that time travel is impossible because time, in Immanuel Kant's terms, is only empirically real and does not exist independently among things in themselves. The narrator is then suddenly surprised to find two different versions of himself arriving from the future, with conflicting warnings and promises about what he can do. Traveling to the future, he meets an older man who repeats the promises, but whom he ends up distrusting. | | [](/http-www-faraday-ru-a); | Faraday Lab Ltd is Publisher of New Energy Technologies (NET). | | [](/http-xxx-lanl-gov-a); | LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY $$This archive is based upon activities supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation  with Cornell University.$$ | | [](/http-adswww-harvard-edu-a); | The Digital Library for Physics, Astrophysics, and Instrumentation | | [](/http-www-slac-stanford-edu-spires-a); | PIRES HEP  The HEP literature database contains more than 450,000 high-energy physics related articles indexed by the SLAC and DESY libraries since 1974. Click here for SPIRES search help. List of most recent high-energy physics preprints. | | [](/http-plato-stanford-edu-entries-time-travel-phys-a); | Time Travel and Modern PhysicsTime travel has been a staple of science fiction. With the advent of general relativity it has been entertained by serious physicists. But, especially in the philosophy literature, there have been arguments that time travel is inherently paradoxical. The most famous paradox is the grandfather paradox: you travel back in time and kill your grandfather, thereby preventing your own existence. To avoid inconsistency some circumstance will have to occur which makes you fail in this attempt to kill your grandfather. Doesn\u2019t this require some implausible constraint on otherwise unrelated circumstances? We examine such worries in the context of modern physics. | | [](/http-members-tripod-com-jtooker-index-2-html-a); | Hello, and welcome! My name is John R Tooker. I am 36 years old. I have been fascinated by time and time travel for as far back as I can remember. I used to watch "The Time Tunnel" and "Dr. Who", and dream of actually being able to travel in time. Well, this set of homepages is the ongoing result of my passions. I have attempted to gather together sources from the net, and elsewhere, along with info on my own time machine, which I have been designing for the last 4 1/2 years or so, for people to peruse. NEWS! I now have a message board for time travel research! Check it out regularly! | | [](/http-www-snowcrest-net-fox-time-html-a); | All about Rick's Time machine models.I have always been fascinated by the concept of time travel. I grew up watching many movies and television shows about time travel. Fantastic Journey, The Time Tunnel, The Time Machine, Buckaroo Banzai, etc. When I first started building models from left over parts one of my first models was this 'updated for the 1970's" time machine | | [](/http-www-west-net-zerkle-a); | Welcome to the Time Traveler's Information Kiosk, dedicated to the science, logic, and fun behind the art of temporal displacement. This is your final checkpoint before you adventure into the space-time continuum. Good luck, and we hope that you have an amazing trip through time! | | [](/http-users-pandora-be-vannoppen-science1-htm-a); | Before 1905 there wasn't much to say about time. In the 17th century Newton defined time as something that continues, no matter what, without any link with reality and according to its own nature. Everybody believed that time had its influence on the environment, but if you believed that the environment had its influence on time, you really had to be mad! That changed in 1905 with Einstein's special relativity theory, in which he showed that time can be influenced | | [\_Gribbin/timetrav.htm](/http-www-biols-susx-ac-uk-home-john_gribbin-timetrav-htm-a); | THE INTRIGUING notion that time might run backwards when the Universe collapses has run into difficulties. Raymond Laflamme, of the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, has carried out a new calculation which suggests that the Universe cannot start out uniform, go through a cycle of expansion and collapse, and end up in a uniform state. It could start out disordered, expand, and then collapse back into disorder. But, since the COBE data show that our Universe was born in a smooth and uniform state, this symmetric possibility cannot be applied to the real Universe. | | [](/http-www-geocities-com-area51-rampart-6040-a); | For example, it is not possible to return to the past without changing the past in some way; nor is it possible to change the future based on information from the future.  Doctor Who realized early on that changes to history were hazardous, and avoided them astiduously. Movies built on a time travel theme frequently become dissatisfying when the thread of time is closely examined.  In Millennium, once the era in which the time machine exists is destroyed, aren't all of those rescued survivors returned to their own times?  In The Twelve Monkeys, doesn't it appear that the disaster which the main character was to | | [](/http-www-crystalinks-com-timetravel-html-a); | Man is the seeker - always looking for answers beyond third dimensional paradigms - for that is the Road Home!Moving through time - going faster that the speed of light - has always been a fascination of mine. When I was a child I could see myself moving through time. I saw the Great Pyramid as the main time clock on the planet creating the illusion of time as a necessary construct to our third dimensional thinking. | | [](/http-www-snowcrest-net-fox-time-html-a); | I have always been fascinated by the concept of time travel. I grew up watching many movies and television shows about time travel. Fantastic Journey, The Time Tunnel, The Time Machine, Buckaroo Banzai, etc.  When I first started building models from left over parts one of my first models was this 'updated for the 1970's" time machine. The model is shown here before it was painted. This last Christmas my parents bought me Ray Dream Designer (3.0) as a gift. For my first project I decided to recreate the time machine form George Pal's 1960's movie. I had just watched it on TNT the night before and though it would be fun. I dug out my laser disk and started grabbing frames so that I could study it in more detail. | | [\_bht.html](/http-antwrp-gsfc-nasa-gov-htmltest-rjn_bht-html-a); | Introduction Gravitational Principles and MathematicsGeneral Description of Visual Distortion Effects Neutron Star Trip Description with GIFs Black Hole Trip Description with GIFs Ultracompact Neutron Star Trip Description with GIFs | | [](/http-www-sff-net-people-james-van-pelt-wells-timemachine-htm-a); | Welcome to this free resource of infomation, lesson plans, activities, quizzes and supplemental material geared for the high school teacher who would like to teach The Time Machine. | | [](/http-home-tmr-online-de-h-westerweller-a); | Time travel in German | | [](/http-www-donbrockway-com-time-htm-a); | Bicycles and The Time Machine The Granite City Time Machine A short movie in Windows Media More Info on the GCM model The 1895 Time Machine Motion Simulator Ride and the first movie script ever?Draft 2 of David Duncan's Script This early draft features many scenes, ideas, and dialogue later dropped. | | [](/http-paranormal-about-com-cs-timetravel-a); | Theories on how it might be accomplished, stories of those who say they\u2019ve done it \u2013 even a course to teach you how to do it. | | [](/http-nobeliefs-com-death-timetravel-htm-a); | Death and Time Traveling Speculations on the science and fiction of dying to get to the future. | | [\_travel/](/http-www-anomalies-net-time_travel-a); | The Time Travel Message Board | | [](/http-www-aetherco-com-timelinks-obscure-html-a); | obscure time travel online TIMELINKS timenews timevideo timebooks timesites | | [](/http-timetravelfund-com-a); | We establish a fund in current time. You make a small contribution to the fund, and in a few hundred years that small amount grows to a very large amount. From that fund, moneys will be taken and used to retrieve you, perhaps seconds after you join, perhaps even moments before your recorded death, perhaps some other point in your lifetime. Further, the fund may even pay to have you "rejuvenated" medically (assuming this is scientifically possible at that time,) and support you financially for a number of years. | | [](/http-time-travelers-org-a); | The step-by-step attainment of multidimensional consciousness, as outlined in "A Course in Time Travel", has for many thousands of years been considered the most sacred information available to mankind! | | [](/http-www-jamesmdeem-com-timepage-htm-a); | Like most people, you may believe that time travel is impossible.  Actually, every day, twenty-four hours a day, we all travel through the direction of the future. Of course, this isn't the type of time travel that you imagine... | | [](/http-www-geocities-com-vistronic-index-html-a); | The Time Server Project 2002 | | [](/http-www-eskimo-com-billb-tesla-tesla-html-a); | Nikola Tesla Page, tesla coils | | [](/http-www-mkaku-org-a); | Dr. Kaku is the author of nine books, including the best-selling "Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the 10th Dimension," and most recently, "Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century." His doctorate-level textbooks are required reading at top physics labs worldwide. | | [](/http-www-strangemag-com-timetravel-html-a); | TimeTravelSTRANGEhomeTIME TRAVELIs Time Travel Possible? Has it been accomplished? Who are those who claim to have travelled through time? What do scientists think about time travel? Inspired by the Time Travel theme of Strange Magazine 14 (Fall, 1994) our Strange Web Site Time Travel pages include... | | [](/http-www-bttf-com-travel-htm-a); | The Complete Time Travel Chronology (so far) ********* Back to the Future#153 Time traveler: Einstein Departure: October 26 1985 01:20 AM Destination: October 26, 1985 01:21 AM Einstein, the world's first time traveler, takes the DeLorean for its maiden voyage in the parking lot... | | [\_circle/table8.html](/http-owl-infosys-utas-edu-au-mathemagicians_circle-table8-html-a); | Time Travel The following problem was submitted by Dr Mark Colyvan. Time Travel Suppose you discover how to build a time machine and you set about building it. Once it is completed you travel back in time to when you were a new-born baby. Unfortunately you also carry back a very nasty influenza... | | [](/http-www-geocities-com-bluekava-index-html-a); | Time Travel Books, Movies, Books for kids and Magazines. New Books and Movies added all the time. | | [](/http-www-mittymax-com-archive-0053-dangerousinformation-htm-a); | ebook on Time Travel | | [](/http-www-mittymax-com-archive-0055-timetravelodyssey-htm-a); | ebook on Time Travel | | [](/http-www-comcity-com-distance-time-a); | The Theory Of Distance-Time. A quantum theory of space and time that defines distance as equivalent to a period of time (D=cT) and claims to be more accurate than special  Keith Maxwell Hardy | | [](/http-www-bagshotrow-co-za-ttgttg-theory-html-a); | Hereafter follows a small, but growing collection of articles contributed by true experts. Wherever possible I have obtained permission to publish their works, and have included links back to their respective sites. | | [](/http-www-angelfire-com-tx5-blackdraxon-index-htm-a); | "This tribute, by way of the Internet, implements a comprehensive listing involving a wide variety of information, media, and resources on the subject of time." | | [](/http-wintersteel-homestead-com-timetravel-html-a); | good site- dedicated to the "TIME TUNNEL" series- BUT, IT'S A homestead SITE AND THEY ARE SO RIGID OVER THERE THAT THESE PEOPLE WILL PROBABLY BE SHUT DOWN SOON- I HOPE THEY HAVE THINGS BACKED UP!!! | | [](/http-home-usit-net-cmdaven-crossing-htm-a); | A New Concept of Time Travel | | [](/http-www-mjyoung-net-time-index-htm-a); | Temporal Anomalies in Time Travel Movies unravels Problems in Time | | [](/http-www-chez-com-remuemeninges-tc-htm-a); | Temporal Collision Conjecture | | [](/http-www-paranormal-about-com-library-weekly-aa110998-htm-a); | Traveling Madly Through Time Science says time travel is theoretically possible. And some people say they've already done it, or invented machines that make it a reality. | | [](/http-www-personal-umich-edu-reginald-timemchn-html-a); | Time Machine Experiment | | [](/http-www-physics-hku-hk-tboyce-sf-topics-wormhole-wormhole-html-a); | Negative Energy, Wormholes and Warp Drive by Lawrence H. Ford and Thomas A. Roman | | [](/http-www-aleph-se-trans-tech-space-time-index-html-a); | Space-Time Engineering | | [\_timetravel.html](/http-www-wired-com-wired-archive-11-08-pwr_timetravel-html-a); | A User's Guide to Time Travel | | [](/http-members-surfeu-de-timetraveler-english-htm-a); | On the right is a picture of me with my Time Machine model completed in 1997 and exhibited at the Fed Con V in Bonn. | | [](/http-timeshipstudio-com-a); | time travel sci-fi radio drama series | | [](/http-www-timelinemovie-com-a); | new time travel movie | | [](/http-www-angelfire-com-ut-branton-time-html-a); | QUANTUM FORCE HEADQUARTERS INTELLIGENCE LINKS | | [](/http-vortex-viptop-ru-a); | Vortex Oscillation Technology Ltd | | [\_Travel\_Hotel](/http-invisionfree-com-forums-time_travel_hotel-a); | The Time Travel Forum ([](/http-www-timetravelforum-tk) | | [](/http-timetravelportal-com-a); | Time Travel Portal Forum | | Robotics | Robotics / Animatronics / SPFX/ Artificial Intelligence | | new\_tt\_links.htm | more TT links | | [](/http-www-2-cs-cmu-edu-sage-animations-timetravel-html-a); | TimeTravel captures Visage user operations to support browsing, reuse, and comparison. | | [](/http-www-informationweek-com-showarticle-jhtml-articleid-26806448-a); | The step toward medical info backup/ no comments | | [](/http-www-sai-msu-su-a); | AstroNet is the name of network of Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University. | | [](/http-www-space-vsi-ru-index-html-a); | ASTRONOMY is a science, which studies solids and occurrences in the sky. | | [](/http-antwrp-gsfc-nasa-gov-apod-astropix-html-a); | Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. | | [](/http-yccc-welcome-to-nanashem-htm-a); | hebrew translation | | [](/http-www-futurepundit-com-archives-000012-html-a); | Genetic Profiles and Dating Services | | [](/http-www-testsymptomsathome-com-index2-asp-a); | First steps to be able to use DNA and genome fragments of the human body for genetic dating purpose. | | [](/http-makemillions-bizland-com-mydevicetest-mov-a); | [](/http-cgi-ebay-ca-ws-ebayisapi-dll-viewitem-category-1523-item-5526711342-a); MOVIE about HDR | | [](/http-carlosx-com-a); | Video of Vortex Video of EMF Video of HDR | | [](/http-razimus-com-a); | Space Time News | | [](/http-p217-ezboard-com-fthepeanutsgangfrm62-a); | The Peanuts Gang Time Traveling | | [](/http-www-zenhex-com-forumdisplay-php-fid-15-a); | Time Travel forum | | [](/http-www-frostcloud-com-forum-forumdisplay-php-f-5-a); | welcome to FrostCloud, the premier forum for deep discussions on philosophy, science, technology, and culture. | | [](/http-www-angelfire-com-my-theory-index-html-a); | Theory of the Trans-Light State of Israelian scientist Gershom Gale | | [\_astro/ask\_an\_astronomer.html](/http-imagine-gsfc-nasa-gov-docs-ask_astro-ask_an_astronomer-html-a); | NASA's Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics (LHEA) "Ask a High Energy Astronomer" web site. | | [](/http-physicsforums-com-a); | forum on physics | | [](/http-skybooksusa-com-time-travel-a); | Explore the Possibilities\u2122 on the exciting new frontier of time travel with the Time Travel Research Center, dedicated exclusively to advancing the study and development of time control and time travel capabilities. | | [](/http-www-metafuture-org-links-htm-a); | this site has links to many futures-oriented sites | | [](/http-www-chronicle-future-co-uk-a); | tomorrow's news today!!! The turn of the millennium inspired the UK's Sunday Times to speculate on the next 50 years of news headlines -- from a ridiculous prediction of Mick Jagger's death during the Rolling Stones' 13th farewell tour in 2030 to a sublimely optimistic forecast of a genetic cure for cancer by 2021. Scientists, historians, and other pundits predict technological advances, such as a language translation chip, and global business mergers. They even predict a new set of Ten Commandments in 2042. Read about your future today. | | [\_time\_travel.htm](/http-back-to-timetravel-old_time_travel-htm-a); | Organical Nature of Time, by Ciprian Gabriel Time-Space Conjoining, by Walter J. Freeman Neural Perception, by Walter J. Freeman Conclusions on Neuro-time, by Walter J. Freeman General Principles of Temporal Displacement Tachyons, William Lane Craig TIME Physics of Time Travel Experiments in Time VISIONS OF TIME TRAVEL Time Travel in Science Fiction | | [](/http-www-superstringtheory-comww-superstringtheory-com-index-html-a); | It's the 21st century! Time to feed your mind Basics So what is string theory? For that matter, what the heck are elementary particles? If this all sounds totally confusing, try this section first. Experiment What progress are physicists making towards experimental tests of string theory predictions? Mathematics What kinds of math do string theorists use and why? And how has string theory changed mathematics? Black Holes Personal safety issues aside, when black holes are tied up in strings, they get even more interesting. Cosmology Was there a String Bang before the Big Bang, or did the Universe simply unwind? | | [](/http-www-mysteries-megasite-com-main-bigsearch-timetravel-html-a); | Time Travel Links | | [\_Links.htm](/http-www-teaporium-com-kiarash-p_links-htm-a); | 1. Quantum Mechanics (QM) 2. Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) 3. Quantum Chromo dynamics (QCD) 4. Quantum Field Theories (QFT) 5. Toplogicaln Quantum Field Theories 6. Quantum Cosmology 7. Conformal Field Theories (CFT) 8. Superstring Theories 9. Supersymmetry | | [](/http-www-bigear-org-default-htm-a); | Ohio State University Radio Observatory, with its "Big Ear" radio telescope | | [](/http-www-scholiast-org-futurism-index-html-a); | This page is devoted to the scientific and philosophical exploration of the potentialities and dangers of the immediate as well as the remote future. | | [](/http-groups-yahoo-com-group-tapten-links-a); | Aerospace & Technology, Gravity Research | | [\_travel.html#timetraveltech](/http-www-drbrainzlab-com-labtime_travel-html-timetraveltech-a); | Dr Brainz Lab of Knowledge...Time Travel | | [](/http-www-zen45800-zen-co-uk-laxmi-a); | 'This project employs radical, alternative and cutting edge digital technologies, applied for the common purpose of transcending time factors, inducing creativity, encouraging originality, furthering ongoing innovative developments, and giving a focus for all original ideas. The project challenges existing paradigms and will (and already has) developed new methodologies and/or technologies. | | [](/http-www-timemachine-esmartweb-com-links-html-a); | the time machine links | | [](/http-www-kneehole-net-time) Links.htm | Time Travel the Search Continue....II | | [](/http-www-universetoday-com-forum-index-php-act-st-f-8-t-290-hl-a); | Universe Today Forums -> Time travel | | [](/http-www-ufoseek-com-index-html-a); | Largest Paranormal and UFO Directory! UFO Paranormal search engine! UFO Theories | | [\_2005](/http-peace-wikicities-com-wiki-feb_2005-a); | Tmxxine is a lead from a future to a past, that is a non-existent present. It celebrates the introduction of post time dependent reality (Zero-time) and works towards public domain enabling technology from opened sources. | | [](/http-www-alexanderpalace-com-palace-a); | Alexander Palace Time Machine | | [](/http-www-markshields-com-bttf-delorean-shtml-a); | MarkMedia » Photos & Media » My DeLorean Time Vehicle | | [](/http-www-longbets-org-a); | The Long Bets website is designed: an arena for competitive, accountable predictions: a forum for focussed discussion and debate about prediction. an attractive tool for philanthropic giving. a way to foster better long-term thinking. | | [](/http-www-thetimetraveler-com-a); | just a site on TT | | [](/http-www-butlerlabs-com-links-htm-a); | Alternative Energy Link Directory | | [](/http-www-ascension2000-com-divinecosmos-a); | The Divine Cosmos THE ENERGETIC TRANSFORMATION OF OUR ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM is now underway | | [](/http-www-tiller-org-a); | \u201cThe path ahead will be a great new adventure for all of us as we unfold in our beingness to build our inner sensory systems, infrastructures and capabilities to balance our outer actions on both this planet and others in the not too distant future.\u201d XXWilliam A Tiller, Some Science Adventures with Real Magic | | [](/http-www-magicdragon-com-ultimatesf-timeline-html-a); | This is a CHRONOLOGY of the History of Science and Science Fiction, and the Cosmic/Human Universe it represents, a virtual encyclopedia oriented towards seeing who wrote what when, and how the field evolved from year to year, decade to decade, and century to century. | | [\_immortality/immortality-sites.html](/http-www-geocities-com-immortality_immortality-immortality-sites-html-a); | Enter Mandatory Eternal Physicality. Stop dying in front of children. You are their poison until you radiate resolution and integrity. Be the way. Light it up, NOW!Over One Hundred Physical Immortality Sites |