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Traditional Timber Framing:Purpose (Timberbee)

From the Quicksilver Metaweb.


The Traditional Timber Framing Series was begun shortly after learning of this site, following the reading of The Diamond Age and of Quicksilver. Mr. Stephenson's recent Interview on Slashdot has led to some further thought as to the nature of these Articles, their lack of progress, and of polish, over the last 8 months.

It must be said that Writers, such as Neal Stephenson, and Hundreds, if not Tens of Thousands of others,-- in the U.S. Alone, put themselves, and their works, on the line each time they submit a piece for publication, This is not the case here, these writings have not had to undergo Any Review, scrutiny, or Critical Evaluation, whatsoever, before being Published.

This has led to several questions in the mind of this One, namely; What is the intended Purpose of these pieces, is this the Best manner for achieving those ends, and, If these writings have value, why does the writer not seek to undergo the same process that every other writer undergoes? -- Could it be a lack of courage?


The Impetous behind Traditional Timber Framing was initialy a desire to gather, and make available, in One place, experiences, and stories, which had Not seen popular publication, up to this point. It IS mainly directed at those Already in the Trade, not those looking to build their own Structure, nor those whose interest is merely acedemic. There was Certainly Not a desire to create a "How-To-" Instructional page, nor to do either an Expose, or a Biography.

The Hope, before finding this site, was to create something of an "Online" magazine, Very Much reflecting Uo Stratics, essentialy, an Archive -- Think Tree -- With a Very Thin Living Layer, which, eventually, becomes Archived itself, i.e; A single Issue, with easily recognized, Well Organized, links to Each Article ever published.

Long Term

Though somewhat muddied, and distant from it's original Inspiration,Traditional Timber Framing the The Metaweb may well offer the best chance for achieving a Long Term, Traditional Timber Framing Archive.

This Effort was never intended to be the work of merely One Individual, But all things must start somewhere, and thus these intial articles should be looked at as an emerging "Form", rather than the finished Structure.


There is a great deal to be said about what it takes to expose oneself, either directly, or through one's products, to the scrutiny of others. Though this question has longed Dogged me, I can now, re-afirm, that there may be no other venue which allows such a chance of success as this one, or one remarkably similar.