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Wallace:David:Infinite Jest:Character:Hal Incandenza

From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

Hal is a major protagonist in the book.

Son of Wallace:David:Infinite_Jest:Character:James Orin Incandenza and Wallace:David:Infinite_Jest:Character:Avril Mondragon Incandenza, brother to Wallace:David:Infinite_Jest:Character:Orin Incandenza and Wallace:David:Infinite_Jest:Character:Mario Incandenza.

The book opens with Hal's interview for admission to college at the University of Arizona, where he is being considered for a tennis scholarship. He suffers from some unstated condition, however, where his attempts at communication appear to his interviewers as spasms or "submammalian" sounds.

He is involved in the Wallace:David:Infinite_Jest:Eschaton game.