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Stephenson:Neal:Snow Crash:Da5id

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Da5id had no doubts whatsoever about his standing in the world. His folks were Russian Jews from Brooklyn and had lived in the same brownstone for seventy years after coming from a village in Latvia where they had lived for five hundred years; with a Torah on his lap, he could trace his bloodlines all the way back to Adam and Eve. He was an only child who had always been first in his class in everything, and when he got his master's in computer science from Stanford, he went out and started his own company with about as much fuss as Hiro's dad used to exhibit in renting out a new P.O. box when they moved. Then he got rich, and now he runs The Black Sun. Da5id has always been certain of everything. Even when he is totally wrong. Which is why Hiro quit his job at Black Sun Systems, despite the promise of future riches, and why Juanita divorced Da5id two years after she married him.


Is Da5id Meier related to Avi Halaby? What is with Stephenson's archetypal Jewish entrepreneurial CEO characters?

As Da5id's family are NY immigrants from eastern europe, it is more likely they are descended from Solomon Kohan, Tzar Peter's financial right hand man.