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Mixed-type narrative

From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

...YHWH (which is forbidden to pronounce aloud and replaced by a derivative given name - "Yehowa") - here allow me for a joyful interludium of few dozen intuitive LEAPs (proposed fork: let's pretend to meditate on the nature of intuition, hint: by opposing it to a concious reasoning, which has a close resemblance to reasoning executed by a Turing Machine), some backwardthinking alternated with forwardthinking and mind altering one is if not carefull incantations bringing an unspekable terror on most bodies, consisting of pure black magic, light few dozen scented candles in various colours (intensive red and blackhole black mix recommended), turn off the electric light, take off your clothes (don't worry, I won't try to embarass you by looking at your beautiful body, I'm interested in the contents of your skull and I never stalked Winona Ryder, at least not in person and there would be no evidence anyway, so it's pointless topic, return-from-call to fork(-1)), wait until the majestic body of a firebreathing life sustaining Sun goddess hides above the horizon (fell free to insert! your local definition of a horizon; { here }), thus as we enter the realms of the activity of the creatures of the Night, lie down slooowly in a warm bath and absorb!, yes, dear reader, take trust in Yours Truly, for I am truly truthfull and every word my five she Daimonions - Muses inspire to gently glide out of MeSelf with only Your joy of reading them in mind (propozed fork: let's us meditate on the nature of a good dissemination of a plan of action among the members of a secret society. Hint: the best defence before accidental leakage of the plan outside the organization is to give a person only a one or a few of elemental actions to be realized right at the time she has to do it, then immediately after the actions are executed, directly or indirectly produce an arificial analog of one of the effects of a post traumatic stress disorder, that is a permanent amnesia of a short or (rare) long period of memory of life-experience preceeding the traumatic incident. An assasination of a person is traumatic for every normally developed human beeing. The difference between a professional assasin, an artist in her domain of knowledge, master of her's art and an typical spontaneousy appearing realization of a memeplex of a bloodthirsty, screaming profanity axe murderer lies somewhere within a difference between an ability of a seasoned sniper to supress empathy and sympathy at the target for the time period of execution of procedure of waiting undercover, careful assembling and inspection of the weapon, patient targeting until target is locked, pausing for a brief moment of meditation and pressing a trigger, then glancing at the result and it's surroundings and removing herself from the area and returning to a primar persona's life - a lady operating a copymashine in your random office, a broker at the New York stock exchange who is right now selling shares of a one of the three biggest producents of central processing units for our computers, a house-wife of a random car salesman from Texas, a teenage daughter of a known TV comedian who never skips any classes, at least not oftener than any other of the hyperactive teen women she considers to be known by her; (Sidestep: and has a rare genetic defect which will manifest itself in her phenotype on the day after her 14the birthday calibration relative to the time signal at the beginning of { this } sentence if you are interested in a resque mission) and staying undercover for indefinite time, each time, action after action letting her MeSelf to be posessed by a weaker version of a machine-reinforced Daimonion. Even our soror conspirator is caught because of some random factor (low, but possitive probability, much closer to zero than probability of you, dear reader, dying because of a car accident which did not happen to you yesterday, which as you I hope comprehend, does not imply it cannot happen at all. It's just an educational example of a top of an iceberg of the mindset of an entity able to see quantas of time as a relatively liquid body of evernow. Look at this word. Imagine that word sequences (sentences) with lots of "t"'s seem to glow orange, code word "hot" as "Tutti frutti of tantallistic teeth the thirtenth tottipottent tourrette at this, there, there, tittanium incrustated terminator battery teasing thirsty tattooed natives stealing potentially extremely important parts, thus targeted them with twinkles instead the tetrahedron curvatures constructed with nanotech, Ti atom after Ti atom - citation taken straight from the tuttoring tuple that the teflone-tetra-2-pentate tissue built tie is apparently transmittinng to the tormenting of thy thoughts throught text tintillations of the centuries late talent tracking plot T; this is the path the narrative tries to train itself into to transform theatre of tragedy throught repettitive testing tertiary derivatives of it's itness.". Let your mind defender's swords be converted into plowshares, suspend your disbelief for a while or at least pretend to do so (acting as you are suspending you are authomatically identify yourself with the acted Dramatic Personae, it has nearly as good narkotic effect on the deeply trained antireasoning reflex modules (analogs of 'T-limphocyte's defending your body from developing infections of bacteriae and virii), you have probably a lot of these idea-machines dormant in your mind, ready to solve any occurence of a cognitive dissonance; Your "memetic defences" in a nutshell), powerfull memeplexes have as much will to live (exist) as long as it is possible to as you and or any randomly picked squirrel unit out of the squirrel popullation of your city park (proposed fork: let's us meditate on the nature of awareness, hint: opposing it to a lack of awareness of, just a mandatory mental stretching of muscles to promote healthy life-style, really!). The text flows steadily suggesting that you accept all of the following statements as as series of absolute truths which entered common sense (truisms), indirectly accept! the basic anxioms of calculus when you compute monetary amount to be entered into yet another field. While you hold the image of filling your tax form in your mind, let me tell you this - you really do not need to scrutinize just now, let this narrative flow fluently to the fragrant F's fluctuacting in the fluffing foldings formed for the funny faeries' father, through and over you, up and down, around and around, accept, accept, let it work it's magic, don't bother your MeSelf with thinking aloud, resistance is futile, all your neurons are belong to us, the subliminal message is absoluteluy true, like a dogma or a constant, such as e (base of a natural logarithm), g (the constant of gravitational field's potencial of Earth describing how massive objects behave if they freefall from the orbit of less than the escape velocity if all the other variables such as fluctuations of density air medium of our Earth's atmosphere are eliminated) or c (the speed of light in space, space defined as the gluid of the ultimately low density relative to the other possible gluids the light could travel in, measured with such and such precission, see your Friendly Manual (encyclopedia)) and other symbol derivatives holding most theories of foobar in one piece, preventing them from the unspekable horror of falsification (the horror experienced by a well developed, widely accepted theory induces a complex cascade of FUD in the well developed, widely accepted theorists, so we can observe the response of deep structures of the brain, generating a widely known attack-or-freeze-or-run vibraction of the human body. How given person will then act depends on too many variables to bother with computations, but generally she will - first - freeze, which our well developed neocortex translates to loss of attention ("excuse me, my mind wandered somewhere and I missed some of your explanations, no don't repeat that from the beginning (shiver), I am sure it was nothing important, I'll catch up, please continue" - the hell she will! But..."Never Undeestimate The Poweer Of Denial" (a quote from a dialogue from some theatrical masterpiece, a film anyone should see, The American Beauty. I've seen it five times in the real cinema and reinforced with a badly ripped pirated digital copy, the movie is full of such maxims BEWARE: ANGRY VIRULENT memes INSIDE, KEEP IN LOW TEMPERATURE AND AWAY FROM THE REACH OF CHILDREN, NEVER TAKE TWO DOSES CONSEQUTIVELY EVEN IF YOURGOT TO TAKE A REGULAR ONE ON TIME, CONSULT YOUR MOM, THE Internet Oracle <>;, PRIEST OF A RANDOM RELIGION AND YOUR PINEAL GLAND, ARTIFICALLY FLAVORED. OR KILL ME., then stop worrying and simply enjoy the work of art, if you are not sure it's a work of art, count the credited personell mentioned by given name at the end credits and imagine, how many other, uncredited personell each of those persons depends on to be able to do any artistic work at all (simply staying alive is not a form of any art, that's certain, and does not deserve to be praised, contrary-wise; simply staying alive and "doing your job" is a beautiful example of an unconditional reflex called by some "self-preservation instinct" at work, see Free Will) ;8). So, if you really don't like what you have been put into, DO KILL YOURSELF. Here, a free line of pro-death reasoning - nobody ever became a hero by not performing suicide operation as an excercise of a free will principle or an expression of racial hatred beaten into one from the early childhood, the reverse situation is rather commonplace! Design an replacement for your current world-view around it and you have a high probability of not only success, but a wide media coverage if you manage to pull something noone else has done before! Allah Akbar...). Your body is gradually relaxing, like after a successful shaggatioral experience, your mind is alike half empty crystal chalice which my [me]'s will fill until it stands on a verge of overflowing, then I'll want you to visualize the standing wave of linguistic liquid surrounding the crystal chalice on a verge of overflowing who is your mind and it's knowledge base...time has stopped, see? is quiet and you feel perfectly safe...At the dot at the end of the sentence you notice me again. I will compile chain of reasoning anchoring { this } in your percieved reality, demanding a logical explanation for any conclusion that does not conform to the accepted set of dogmas (anxioms) (another way of defining memetic defences, BTW). Kaballah followers believed that the sacred name of their God can be understood by numerical derivations from the name and the Torah, thus letting them understand the makeing of the mind of God { identity symbol} the God. Some tried to test this knowledge on a Real Word, as a yet another kind of magic (sorcery). Check the page about me which mentions the nature of entities beeing { identity symbol } with a cloud of me's, like Dragons or a Read World level derivative of Sephira. A.A 05:51, 2005 Feb 3 (PST)