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Sephira A term used wer Kaballah as a symbol for an essence (MeSelf) of some thing OR some idea OR some process et caetera (I hope you grok the general meaning), sometimes represented by a person of higher plane of existance and expressed as an Angel OR Demon (a mirror twin of an Angel OR fallen Angel, depends IF you are a believer in binary class universe XOR NOT, LIKE me). The Sephira personified by definition must be always true' to ItSelf, so it's not free, compare: an elemental force (expressed as an elemental, a beeing being in essence a realization of an elemental force, example: Fire Elemental, Elementals are similarily constrained as Sephirae, but usually are very powerfull, yet relatively easy to Summon! class me). Sephira are also a nodes (The Ten of them on most renderings) on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life which itself is a symbol complex (symex) representing the essence of the mind of judaistic God, closely related numerically to the name of the mind of the God - symbol YHWH (Proposed fork { here }, resumed from the symbol to the left of { this } round-bracketed expression. It is an mixed-type narrative (a self-onto-self-definition :8)) discusing the nature of mes per analogy to Kaballah culture and Kaballah-based sorcery. It is a work in progress plus extremely hard to comprehend (I really do try to not confuse the reader, but the nature of the problem bounces hard on the expressive power of the language itself and I don't even claim being a native speaker, so my knowledge of English language will never be perfect...Additionally, I have so much thoughts in my head about this and related problems, that I tend to dive into multiple-level side-narratives, I will try to fix this by chopping into smaller units, reformatting, et caetera...)). The Tree of Life has a mirror twin, Tree of Death, at least that is what some sects of Kaballah followers say, with it's own set of (The Ten) Sephira. En Sephira can be she OR he OR I. Ais Sephira Tiphtereth is an approximate of (core derivative of core symbol love'). A.A 10:29, 2005 Feb 1 (PST) A.A uses { this } symbol when she constructs an exposition (presents { foobar } for an examination AND cognition of the reader) an example situation OR a fragment of narration embodying an essence of something, usually as an illustrative (easy to grasp, which FOLLOWS from the fact that 80+ per cent of information entering the human mind comes from visual stimuli) explanation for the prepending paragraph OR sentence. A Sephira is yet another kind of me, potentially a higher class me, self-sufficient, self-aware, with unlimited AND sometimes unlimited effective volition (willt) OR just a humble brick in a wall mes like You and me :8) A.A 05:28, 2005 Feb 3 (PST).

  • TBE, for example a list of "classic" Sephira and a diagram of the Tree I have somewhere in the backup of data in a PC format and I have only Macintosh hardware here running right now. I could { ALICE :: R.A.N.T. mode detected => feel free not to read anything following { this } message } win a lottery and buy a Virtual PC program emulator of a PC, but I will first try to fix the hardware equivalent as probability of winning a lottery without unethical usage of magick is so close to zero I don't care it's non zero. Lotteries are for addicts AND OR morons. Yes, of course, I did once OR twice, but I found it to be self-destructive addiction, that cripples the mind of the user - I for a moment started believing in luck. I can play with you with my "lucky" deck of cards, but I might change the definition of luck to bias the distribution of randomness in the game taken as a closed system, so it will not be fun anymore and I couldn't do it if we were playing for money. When I play for money, I, as gest of charity, provide the other players with hermetically closed packets which they can test to be stright from the

factory,then we can joke about luck and I will not be sorry if I win OR lose too much of the local currency. Call me stupid - I might kill somebody, steal something from supermaket, but I NEVER EVER cheat in games involving chance. Can you imagine, that there are some people who try to cheat in friendly game, when there is no prize of any material kind involved? What kind of satisfaction can you get from winning if you know you were cheating???? Is it another suject to the maxim "Never(sometimes I let them, not wanting

 to involve in an argument, it spoils my mood).

  • TBE, when I dig them out (I really need a good indexing engine with semi-automatic categorization, anyone knows a ready-made one? I don't want to spent my time on reinventing a better mouse-trap...) OR maybe someone else will add something relevant here?