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This is a page on mosquitoes that will eventually tie into Quicksilver's plague themed pages...


We're talking vectors.

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Wikipedia: Mosquitoes

200px-AnophelesGambiaemosquito.jpgAnopheles gambiae
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
(biology) Class: Insecta
Order: Diptera
Family: Culicidae


| Genera |

see text

Mosquitoes are insects belonging to the order Diptera; genera include Anopheles, Culex, Psorophora, Ochlerotatus, Aedes, Sabethes, Wyeomyia, Culiseta, and Haemagoggus for a total of around 35 genera into which are placed about 2700 species. They have two scaled wings, halteres, a slender body, and long legs; size varies but is rarely greater than 15 mm.

In most female mosquitoes, the mouth parts form a long proboscis for piercing the skin of mammals (or in some cases birds or even reptiles and amphibians) to suck their blood. The females require protein for egg development, and since the normal mosquito diet consists of nectar and fruit juice, which has no protein, most must drink blood to get the necessary protein. Males differ from females, with mouth parts not suitable for blood sucking. Oddly females of one genus of mosquitoes, Toxorhynchites, never drinks blood. The larvae of the large mosquito are predatory on other mosquito larvae.

The mosquito goes through four distinct stages in its life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The length of the first three stages is species- and temperature-dependent. Culex tarsalis may complete its life cycle in 14 days at 20 °C and only ten days at 25 °C. Some species have a life cycle of as little as four days or up to one month. The larvae are the "wigglers" found in puddles or water-filled containers. These breathe atmospheric oxygen through a siphon at the tail end. The pupae are nearly as active as the larvae, but breathe through thoracic "horns" attached to the thoracic spiracles. Most larvae feed on microorganisms, but a few are predatory on other mosquito larvae. Some mosquito larvae, such as those of Wyeomyia live in unusual situations. These mosquito wigglers live either in the water collected in epiphytic bromeliads or inside water stored in carnivorous pitcher plants. Larvae of the genus Deinocerites live in crab holes along the edge of the ocean.

"Mosquito" is a Spanish or Portuguese word meaning little fly, and its use dates back to about 1583. In England mosquitoes were known as gnats.

Much of modern mosquito control is no longer dependent on dangerous pesticides but specialized organisms that eat mosquitos, or infect them with a disease that kills them. Such methods can even be used in Conservation Areas, like the "Forsyth refuge" and the Seaview Marriott Golf Resort, where some major mosquito control is performed and monitored using "killifish" and juvenile eels. The success is documented with most advanced underwater microscopes like the ecoSCOPE. However, outbreaks of human mosquito-borne diseases may still result in fogging with chemicals that are less toxic than those used in the past.

Dragonflies, also known as mosquito hawks, are excellent control agents. Dragonfly naiads consume mosquito larvae in the breeding waters, and adult dragonflies eat adult mosquitoes, particularly the day flying Asian tiger mosquitoes. Fogging for adult mosquitoes can backfire and increase long term populations if it removes dragonflies and other natural controls.

Some mosquitoes are capable of transmitting protozoan diseases such as malaria, filarial diseases like filariasis, and viral diseases such as yellow fever, dengue, encephalitis, and West Nile virus. West Nile Virus was accidentally introduced into the United States in 1999 and by 2003 had spread to almost every state.

Mosquitos weigh only about 2 to 2.5 mg. They can fly at about 1.5 to 2.5 km/h.

Mosquito repellents generally contain one of the following active ingredients: DEET, Catnip oil extract - Nepetalactone, Citronella or eucalyptus oil extract.

Dispelling Myths of Natural Mosquito Control by the Scientific Method

As a result of recent technology (it is now 2004), such as the Mosquito Deleto (by Coleman) and the mosquito magnet, the widespread use of Deet in bug sprays, as well as fear over diseases spread via mosquito bites, many naturalists, environmentalists, bat-house manufacturers have been professing the many natural pest control alternatives for folks who like to enjoy their backyards. Unfortunately, this is also the stuff of legend spread by journalism majors who eventually find their way into the Chicago Tribune's Lifestyles section. I will do my part to beat back the tide with a stick.

Bats: although bats are natural predators of mosquitos (this part is true), studies of bat dung & intestines demonstrate that mosquitos do not constitute a significant portion of their diet. Has something to do with ROI. Who among us wouldn't prefer a juicy moth to a scrawny mosquito?

Dragonfies: ditto

Plants: the jury is still out on this one as far as this author can tell at the time of this article (07-2004). But those in the know are not keeping their fingers crossed.