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From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

This is a page for Quicksilver, a novel by Neal Stephenson


This book introduces new characters few are ancestors of characters from Cryptonomicon's slightly parallel universe — who interact with Leibniz and Newton in the Seventeenth Century. It further explores the mystery of Enoch Root.

UK Quicksilver Cover

Authored entries (not covered by the Annotations page)

Community entry: The Metaweb Looks At Quicksilver

A book by Neal Stephenson, Volume I in a series called The Baroque Cycle. The Metaweb contains a listing of Quicksilver annotations by page number as well as other interesting information and insights.

The Metaweb Looks Beyond Quicksilver

From Monty Python to the Vigenère Cipher, from Tycho Brahe to Richard Feynman, we are slowly building a knowledge base. Annotations of books other than Quicksilver explores Homer, Robert Heinlein, Edward Abbey as well as Cryptonomicon, Snow Crash, and The Diamond Age, or A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer.


US Quicksilver Cover
Similar to the Deluxe Edition
Limited 1000 now available

Gödel Escher Bach is explored when we look at Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem as well as an oddly named British Stuffed Shirt with a Finnish surname. Xeno's Paradox is looked at in a Gedankenexperiment by Albert Einstein as well.

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