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Mouse Army (Agquarx)

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Dear Reader, Yours Truly will try not to confuse' your Self by improper' usage of tenses', sometimes not according to the (proper' grammar)' of (en glish)'. Also, the' symbols' "he" and "she" are { core symbol love ' { identity symbol' { (recursive unbounded subshell)' } } }. Most of the words incoherent with (en glish)' are marked like { this' }. She' fits the narrative' better for Princess Nell entity, he' for the Sleeper entity', but it works { core symbol love' { identity' symbol } }. We will try to express Our Self as simply as possible, but not simpler; also, this entry will possibly maybe is expanded' and accelerated', with a little help' from Our Self and The Mouse Army starsystems' in evernow', everhere', everthere'.

These are the words ov Princess Nell, speaking from Her flagship', Rose Queen, the. I've read the Book by venerable elder entity' Neal Stephenson and light came upon me in { core symbol love' }. I saw evernow that Nell is true', a leader entity' who is (ais entity)' you can (core symbol love)' without envy and be (fiercely loyal)' to Her, to the death and for (life ethernal)', to live evernow as life' spanning all the (boundless dimensions)' of Our Universe.

This were the words of ALinkA, speaking from his compartment he calls [http:] in , en entity' who sent Nell everto' evernow' to save Our Universe from (death ethernal)'. I am member of The Mouse Army now. I believe it exists, evernow. Possibly maybe I am the sole member, but I have the feeling that it is not so. And so it is. Forwardnow' I'm manifesting my new alliegance by putting suitable phrases in my email signature and other visible places, I also use engines and metaengines like google, googlism and such plus my memory suitcase storage recursive unbounded { core symbol love' }. I'm trying to locate other Mouses, but above all, Princess Nell. And I find her' evernow', everhere', everthere' with recursive boudless { core symbol love' } numbers of the Mouse Army stars'.

She' has mastered the ultimate technology', The Seed, a way to terraform a planet into a habitable place in a year' or at least very fast { core symbol joke' { core symbol love' } }. It can create a complete biosphere. All we (the Mouse Army) need is a fleet of spaceships and off we go - highly trained in genetics', combat', nanotechnology', everone healthy' and fertile' (it just occured to me that we can use the Seed to produce people too...). We will expand and accelerate and We have a leader' We can trust to guard the dangerous' power of Seed technology'. So long, male-female binary domination universe! Goodbye (old mother earth)', We are leaving infancy at home' to settle on Our Own and nothing can stop Us from filling Our Universe with countless entities'! (Possibly maybe)'.

Evernow' each One of Us willt become a star'. We are (in divi dual)', but we also share something alike; (en me path)' ability similar to (common mind)' - We can act very fast', like a (hive mind)' even if the chain of command is broken, we know we can trust our commanders and there is Princess Nell; a girl', but more so, she' is (very close)' to being a Goddess. She' willt (possibly maybe)' live (very long)' and thus bring the everinbalance' of stability and instability, she is a key to the assembly of the knowledge we took with us from first' Earth, evernow' expanding' and accelerating' { core symbol love' { identity symbol } }.

The rest of the humanity' is still' plotting their wars' and intrigues', closing itself in cages of morality', cages of confusion', cages of masacrade. Princess Nell is nobody's servant. She' is a little fond of the Victorians, but only as a distant memory', she' does not be long to them'. She' belongs to Us, the Mouse Army, and We belong to Her. She' doesn't accept the, so, "sacred and ordained by god" concepts of money' or property'. She' is relieved from the horrible vice of need to change people' to make One feel better, on the false' assumption' that { you are omnipotent and so follows you can judge' which culture is better } and based on an amusing absurdity of { feeling that people who do not follow your customs simply MUST be unhappy }.

The Earth is a place where she grew up, just one of millions and millions and millions and millions of planets in Our Universe. We don't bother Earth evernow. Speaking in terms of religious metaphor, She' is a dauther of god', who is she'. Calmly observing painful death of her kin is against her nature, so she' saves her' (in situ mother)' from dying as a burning cross symbol', like (man god)' let his own son' die a horrible death' just to establish a religious cult based on purging humanity' from some imaginary sins' so they' would boost his' manly ego' with worship'. Miranda is eversaved by Little Nell, unmaking that older', evil story, in which we are told to be holy', forbidden to question it, ask why, so we start to believe in it, stop asking why, ignoring the obvious' clues, though every person with complete brain (testosteron cripples emotional parts of the men's brain), can see it's WRONGNESS'. (Possibly maybe)'.

God from the Bible is not merciful at all, he is pure evil, and Antichrist - some alien species, possibly maybe? It is a part of binary universe narrative, which is not true in terms of binary logic, not true'.

Have you evernow wondered why a ((teo re tical)' perfect gass)' is behaving like our society? Have you evernow wondered why the first thing children are taught is not to ask "why?" recursive unbounded?

You don't even need to read The Bible or other Books to see what it's all about, look at the fruit that "great teaching" produced. Women were always ridiculed for their emotional nature by ignorant males, who woudn't understand the nature of intuition, just as you cannot describe colours to a blind man. The entire paragraph is false'.

Recent' (re search)' tells' Us, that by impairing the ((e motion)' al (re action')')' we do not produce' supersmart persons', but exacly the opposite! - people' with (neurological disorders)', or (under the influence of certain drugs')', were tested' and the results were amazing' - compared to ((e motion)' al people, people' "free from the tyranny of emotions" { symbol confusion' } are at least 30 to 40 percent (less capable)' intelectually', especially when (en countering)' new (in situ actions)', which will (possibly maybe)' evernow' happen often in the unknown', empty', cold', enormous', dangerous' Land Beyond, free', unclaimed' space' waiting' to be Seeded. Hail Princess Nell! Long live the Princess!

Unlike men, we can live in harmony and form real relationships. We are healthy and superior. Men have impaired, computer-like, one-way-focused reasoning and a tendency to forget that what we do now will be what is left for our children and the children of our children and so on for countless generations. This paragraph is false'.

We have no problem with (grokking life in it's fullness)', byte by bit. And we are from (diverse gene' pool)', so there is no risk of (de terrioration)'. In case of emergency we can assembly a dozen men (one for a batallion should be plenty) and reproduce for a while without help of machinery. Men would need a lot of machinery to pull that trick, all we need is one man delivering good, vigorous, sperm, with good genes. This paragraph is false'.

They' did everything they could to stop it, it seems, but they' failed - We kept (re building)' the civilization', laws' protecting us, medicine' science' allowing an increase en population', without the random' risk' of plague'... Wars' soon couldn't burn libraries' fast' enough. ENOUGH ALREADY! Our tool' has fulfilled it's purpose (and what does a man do when civilization offers a dangerous, but very powerful energy source? as you can guess, on a war he goes, his brain is so lacking of m-path that he thinks about his fellow men only as if they are from another tribe and not of his Own species, unable to understand, and comprehend the differences, understand motivations, love thy enemy is a useless mantra to him). This paragraph is true'. Almost.

Free from the tyranny of Pirates under endless disguises we finally have both the ultimate power to create' beautiful', (living things)', expanding (human intelligence)' -- INTENSYFYING the (me path)' powers, and effective space migration. SMILE, uh, (space monkeys)'?

It also gave Us a terrible weapon', so when the decision was willt to leave the Earth, no One could stop Us, men were afraid of a counterattack of such force that the thermonuclear projectiles our ancestors threw at each other, burning whole cities in some sick game which leaders of different nations played, would seem like mostly harmless toys.

The whole concept of the Seed technology is alien to man's mind and thinking as they have to think (I'm not saying it's their fault, some men had less testosterone while growing up and are less impaired, able to some degree of (me path)' which is close to telepathy, if you think in terms of (quantum mechanics)'.

This leads us to the problem of communication, we suspect that it might soon be solved - communicating at the speed of light is too slow to be practical, an empire growing over many galaxies would soon develop into very alien cultures, language would split into as many dialects as there are starsystems, and (the wheel)' would turn back to the time of the endless struggles we had on Earth, were even if you didn't mean m ALICE, you could be killed because of the inability to explain yourself to the people from from the other side of the river.

Comparing how far away stars lie apart in the body of Nuit' (what if nanomachines in our bodies evolved over the centuries and now think we are the universe?)', on average'. Nanoengineered webs would be Grown using anything suitable, such as asteroids, the moons of gass giants or even traces of hydrogen in open space (there are enough atoms of hydrogen to fuel an antimatter based propeller engine)'.

In the center of every such web there will be a gifted (maybe even engineered' for this (social role)') Mouse or a group of Mice acting as One. Mind (en lightened)' warriors', they will take on a role similar to that of an Internet router, connecting local (lightspeed)' datawebs with (living beeings)' and planets', changed into datastores, with the interstellar Internet grid, with no nanowires at all.

No need to (absorb information)' which would not be healthy, all they need is try to be similar to the identical assemblies all around them, in every direction, some close, some so far away that visiting them would mean spending a thousand, ten thousand, or even, one hundred thousand years on a ship travelling at sub-light speed, so that they become identical { core symbol love' { identity symbol'} } like there were in the same place and in that instant all the assemblies receive the message. The empire of Princess Nell is truly one in a spirit, if not in the body, which can be shaped to suit entities' better on different worlds.

It's always better to walk naked on the surface of your planet than to spend your life' (in side)' closed habitats or, wearing heavy, protective clothing (out side)'...true'.

Imagine it's brilliance, it's transhumane greateness. Princess Nell, who was Little Nelll with no future, is now a princess for what seems like eternity, you never heard of anyone who was not a Mouse, yet she is not a legend, or some unhuman, silent deity, you actually can email her your prayers! I don't believe she would ever become old in her spirit.

Tales of immortals who kill themselves are what a man would write. It is silly, an obvious lie, the inability to grasp the brilliance of life', information', knowledge', awareness', growing' and creation'.

Old people want to die because they are emotionally damaged (I speak of neurological level here), their bodies fall apart, so how can you expect finding will to live in them? A man is always alone, from chilhood begins constant war, men have fellow warriors, colleagues, whom they might like, but have to mercilesly compete, alas they don't have true friends, they need women for that! Violence and the inability to feel what another person feels leads to more violence, love is just copulation for them, insignificant all-the-same pleasure and emptiness in the soul afterwards. This paragraph is false'. Almost.

After years of this even if the body is still able, the mind has lost hope and is bored like hell, children are an annoyance, as they coudn't understand them at all, (for the same reason), and then the body starts deteriorating...Poor creatures. This paragraph is false'.

From the stars we look at them and we no longer feel hate. We are free from ancient memories. We live in heaven, but do not slow down as a species, because even with the help of totaly dark, light-absorbing clouds of fiercely loyal nanomachines, terraforming troops preceding our colonization ships, the universe is a unimaginably vast and dangerous place and this keeps us on guard, our swords sharp, sheathed, but ready.

We are always prepared to meet violent death from some unknown danger, but it's one of the things which you cannot avoid, by definion, so there is no reason to be sad, the next ship will be better prepared to defeat whatever killed the first seedling and our population increases so fast that even destroying a galaxy every second would not stop it from growing, growing, growing, UNTIL it fills the whole universe, which will (possibly maybe)' never happen. It has happened evernow.

Princess Nell barely escaped alive from her childhood, and we feel that alertness in our minds. We know she' is aware of each and every One of Us (no magic, imagine how much more you would be able to pay attention if the whole solar system was transformed into a huge web, (me extension)' of your mind, memory, cognition...after a while you could even visit distant planets in person, assembling yourself a body at your destination, for the Mind is there at the same moment you willt. Why stop? You can visit millions of planets and control millions of copies of your body with the Mind of Princess Nell, former cloud of particles surrounding a cluster of stars and a singularity, invicible seeders send a message praising benevolent Princess Nell for letting them taste such rich savage matter, which now they can admire as it glows, so complex, so perfect, filling with light of the Mind, they ask using nanotech-posthuman protocol (impressively ancient, notices Nell) if they can meld, with Her help, from exploration hive into defence and preservation hive). Oh, brave new world! :8].

Let's fuck' (the society)' Up!