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Being neutral when confronted by EVIL* will not activate what appears to be Enoch Root's superset of powers that seem to be based on the teaching of Metis.

“…“Cayuse? You think it was fired by a Cayuse?” Doug demands. Randy admires that Doug, while skeptical, is essentially open to the idea.

“No,” Randy says, taking another step towards Amy, and straddling the antitank mine. “The Cayuse are extinct. Measles. So it was made by a white man who is an expert in the hunting practices of Northwest Indian tribes. What else do we know about him? That's he's really good at sneaking around in the jungle. And that he's so totally fucking crazy that even when he's been injured by a land mine, he's still crawling around in the undergrowth taking shots at people.” Randy's probing the riverbed as he's talking, and now he takes another step. Only six feet away from Amy now. “Not just anyone -- he took a shot at Amy. Why? Because he's been watching. He saw Amy sitting next to me when we took that break, resting her head on my shoulder. He knows that if he wants to hurt me, the best thing he could possibly do is take a shot at her.”

“Why does he want to hurt you?” Enoch asks.

“Because he's evil

Enoch looks tremendously impressed. …”*

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  • TBA

Neutral defined

\Neu "tral \ 1. [n]   one who does not side with any party in a war or dispute, A person or a nation that takes no part in a contest between others; one who is neutral. 2. [adj]   lacking hue; " neutral colors like back or white " 3. [adj]   lacking distinguishing quality or characteristics; " a neutral personality that made no impression whatever " 4. [adj]   not supporting or favoring either side in a war, dispute, or contest 5. [adj]   neither moral nor immoral; neither good nor evil, right nor wrong 6. [adj]   having no personal preference; impersonal criticism; " a neutral observer " 7. [adj]   of no distinctive quality or characteristics or type 8. [adj]  (physics) — having no net electric charge;not electrified 9. [adj]  (chemistry) — having only a limited ability to react chemically; not active; " inert matter "; " an indifferent chemical in areaction " ”The neutral, as far as commerce extends, becomes a party in the war.” — R.G.Harper.


  1. Not engaged on either side;not taking part with or assisting either of two or more contending parties;neuter;indifferent. “The heart can not possibly remain neutral, but constantly takes part one way or the other.” — Shaftesbury.
  2. Neither good nor bad;of medium quality;middling; not decided or pronounced. “ Some things good,and some things ill, do seem, And neutral some, in her fantastic eye” — Sir J.Davies.
  3. (Biol.) Neuter. See {Neuter}, a., 3. — A. (Chem.) Having neither acid nor basic properties;unable to turn red litmus blue or blue litmus red; -- said of certain salts or other compounds. Contrasted with {acid}, and {alkaline}. — B. {Neutral axis}, {Neutral surface} (Mech.), that line or plane,in abeam under transverse pressure,at which the fibers are neither stretched nor compressed,or where the longitudinal stress is zero. See {Axis}. — C. {Neutral equilibrium} (Mech.), the kind of equilibrium of abody so placed that when moved slighty it neither tends to return to its former position not depart more widely from it,as aperfect sphere or cylinder on ahorizontal plane. — D. {Neutral salt} (Chem.), asalt formed by the complete replacement of the hydrogen in an acid or base;in the former case by apositive or basic,in the latter by anegative or acid,element or radical. — E. {Neutral tint}, abluish gray pigment,used in water colors,made by mixing indigo or other blue some warm color. the shades vary greatly. — F. {Neutral vowel}, the vowel element having an obscure and indefinite quality,such as is commonly taken by the vowel in many unaccented syllables. It is regarded by some as identical with the [u^] in up,and is called also the {natural vowel}, as unformed by art and effort.
  • TBA
  • TBA