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Stephenson:Neal:Cryptonomicon:Randy Waterhouse

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This is a page for Randy Waterhouse


Neal's brillant. Just sussed out the why of Randy's ballroom dancing classes. “ … You go through the park, on the other hand, you only have to brush off a lot of whores. But Randy's gotten good at that. The whores cannot conceive of a man rich enough to stay at the Manila Hotel who voluntarily walks around the city every day, and they have given him up as a maniac. He has passed into the realm of irrational things that you must simply accept, and in the Philippines this is a nearly infinite domain. … ”

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Community entries: Randall Lawrence Waterhouse

Randall Lawrence Waterhouse or Randy is the firstborn son of Lawrence Waterhouse's firstborn son. He is the only grandchild who has memories of his grandfather. He has the best method for devouring Captain Crunch™ cereal I've encountered.


**Randy Waterhouse

Beards Symbolize White Supressors!

Michael Shanks makes a good Randy Waterhouse - eh?**

Randy Waterhouse grew up in a college town in eastern Washington state. The nature of Astronomy becoming more networked and Randy's main obsession with science would lead him down the path of Unix mastery. Graduated from the University of Washington in Seattle in the mid 1980's with an Astronomy degree and an extensive knowledge of computers. Upon graduation he found work as a Clerk Typist II in the Inter Library Loan (ILL) Department of the same college. Randy's ambitions of a future which did not include the ILL Department would set him up for a meeting with master's degree candidate Andrew Loeb who “was trying to figure out what foods had historically been eaten by certain Northwest Indian tribes, how much energy they expended to get these foods and how much they obtained by eating them. He wanted to do this calculation for coastal Indians like the Salish (who had easy access to seafood) and for inland ones like the Cayuse (who didn't) as part of an extremely convoluted plan to prove some sort of point about the relative standards of living of these tribes and how this affected their cultural development (coastal tribes made lots of fantastically detailed art and inland ones occasionally scratched stick figures on rocks).” This research ends up incorporated into another driving passion — Role-Playing Games (RPGs) — he shares with a science/music double major named Chester, and a history grad student named Avi. An energy budget to make these games more realistic as they get translated onto PC platforms. When Randy attempts to fairly redistribute any royalties with Andrew — a greed driven Gollum persona takes control of the man — and the first business venture is scuttled. Randy emerges from the ruins of this bankrupt but with a steady girlfriend (who — along with the academic crowd she hangs with — he views as gormless hobbits).

His second business venture was more lucrative and he sunk it into a California house. (God bless Siliwood!). It gives him a more global perspective.

(I will return!)

He is the modern-era protaganist in Cryptonomicon. He is a nerd with an entrepreneurial knack.