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From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

I agree Baroque is "that style that deliberately exhausts (or tries to exhaust) its own possibilities, and that borders on self-caricature."

And, I nominate Wikipedia Itself as the best current example of a baroque artifact.

It seems to have no reference but itself, no purposes, nor even a statement of which users it serves... all very odd by Enlightenment/utilitarianism or Modern/humanism standards. More like Postmodern/feminism really - beauty for sake of beauty, harmony for sake of harmony...?

"I nominate Wikipedia Itself as the best current example of a baroque artifact."

I second that nomination.

Unsurprising, then, that Wikipedia provides the best and most intriguing definition of Baroque - now reflected in the Metaweb:communal entry <-- a term much to be preferred to one that assumes some undefined and vague "community", since communing can be a process, or a commune can be a place, while a "community" implies some body committed to the view - while the communal entries may be written by no body but only an IP number... and thus not be persons... perhaps bots?