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Talk:Common Economic Protocol

From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

This is just a nit I want to pick — corporate imperialism works better than making it a compound idea. Most here can do that kind of math.

  • “A corporation is a legal entity (distinct from a natural person) which often has similar rights in law to those of a person. Critics view this "corporate personhood" as a fundamental flaw in the nature of corporations. Civil law systems may refer to corporations as moral persons; they may also go by the name "SA" (society anonymous) or something similar, depending on language.”

  • “Imperialism is the acquisition and maintenance of empires, and also the political theory of such behavior. The term is used by some to describe the policy of a country in maintaining colonies and dominance over distant lands, regardless of whether the country calls itself an empire.”- Sparky 19:23, 2004 Mar 25 (PST)100px-Uk_flag_1606.png
    British Kindness

Some problems with that are: 1. It encourages way too much faith in the dictionary. 2. It leaves no place for the broader issues or discussions of various theories about the combination of concepts, like New totalitarianism or market theology or Corporate Globalization or the counter-movements like the anti-globalization movement (now called altermondialiste) and counter-theories like oil imperialism, and interesting history like the British East Indies Company and Hudson Bay Company (gee look! Baroque references to the origins of the corporation), all of which could be discussed under corporate imperialism. - Ian Psuedonym

Sure, which is why they're ALL now linked at Hudson Bay Company. As it should be. The author of an article on something else should not be choosing the sources on the Hudson Bay Company - the author of the HBC article must do that. - Ian Psuedonym

If you chose to AUTHOR a page - yes. A polite person would ammend their entries around yours if it were a community page.

It's merely that the MetaWeb is not an InterNet Encyclopedia per se that we need to use the other Wiki GDL sources that are. It's a different information resource. The links are there for others to make up their own minds - so having both the WikiInfo and Recyclopedia as well as Wikipedia as resources are good. We've all access to the 1911 encyclopedia and even other more bizarre and exotic sources. Bearing in mind that British Raj and the earlier British East Indies Charter were tools of said Imperialism starting with Elizabeth I before they were any other influence. Even now Commonwealth nations are under the thumb of the UK. It harkens back to the Navigation Act. Gb_heic.png
British East Indies Company Flag
Even More British Kindness

And oil producers are scrambling for their next monopoly - power. - Sparky 18:13, 2004 Mar 26 (PST)

They're not as scary as the World Bank.

The World Bank? Oooo spooky. The World Social Forum can handle them. Though U.S. Network for Global Economic Justice seem to have a handle on it. PepsiCo is EVIL. -Sparky

And street protest from you? Some would pay to see that. - Sparky

They'd pay the guy with the carbine more.

  • All you truly have to worry about are rotten tomatoes or verbal abuse for using French.
  • You're the reason New Imperialism is a protected page - eh?

There is no "reason" at Wikimedia - only hate and corruption. * I see the hate - but corruption? Moral corruption?

Pure conflict of interest? But probably also groupthink, paranoia, technocracy, and maybe a bit of fixated gaze. In this one case, yes, the recyclopedia ones will likely always have the best analysis, and the terms are a bit post-Baroque. * The Académie Française have their own word for everything, which only isolates them more and causes more to see them as backwards. As if English-speaking people care what the French call email. snicker

America is garbage. We're waiting to recycle what it's sitting on. * If America is garbage — so is Canada as it is part of America. Nor is the USA garbage. Hawaii isn't garbage, Maine isn't garbage, etc., but, the brand name "America" is getting to that point. And no Canadian would say he or she is "part of America", it's a South American thing to use that word inclusively. * Dad was a Canadian; Mr. Ma - his neighbor - still is. The kids have dual citizenship. Canada is America — as viewed by our treaties and security arrangements. Both Dad and Mister Ma feel Canada is America. Though Canada has a wierder political system. I asked. I emailed my other Canadian friends and they pretty much agreed. Save for the McGill Math Centre professor, he is a Tory holdout. And it MAYBE a Latin American thing as well, but Canada is part of El Norte. So you know. Though my fellow US citizens may not want you around — I've no problem with you. - Sparky * Conan O'Brien may have the pulse of popular culture right. Former French Canadians — like my pop — won't speak French at all. He bailed Canada for Detroit as a teen. As if only Quebeckers can dictate culture to the majority.

They resist becoming the garbage that is America, and the picked-through garbage that is "English Canada". If you want a moderate group try the Acadians: L'Acadie was founded in 1604 which puts it in range for the Baroque. * Filles du roi are more interesting. You're welcome to write in French if you want. No one will read it — but do knock yourself out. Nah, those French have a different word for everything. - Ian Psuedonym * Don't you feel better for writing that? Now let's try articulating some of your goals without any additional baggage? - Sparky 19:38, 2004 Mar 29 (PST)


  • Here's classic rebranding of a bad idea — highlighting the wrong way to get the Fat Cats.

Alter-Globalization (or altermondialization from the French altermondialisation) is the name of a social movement which supports the international integration of globalization but demands that values of democracy], economic justice, environmental protection, and human rights be put ahead of purely economic concerns known as neoliberalism. The term is a positive spin on the more wide used and pejorative word 'Anti-Globalization'. Groups which advocate Alter-Globalization include ATTAC, an international trade reform network headquartered in France. Advocates of Alter-Globalization have setup a global news network, indymedia to report on and advocate for the alter-globalization movement. It's not new, and it's not that neutral. * Think PETA and Greenpeace are popular these days? Haters most often become what they hate — ain't Karma poetic? - Sparky 22:57, 2004 Mar 26 (PST)

Popularity is only relevant to those who think democracy is God. Not us trolls. And, Greenpeace is not an acronym. Jesus, Muhammad, Confucius, all quite unpopular in their time with the powers that were

Popular means different things. What does democracy have to do with this? Or God? I hit the caps lock key when typing. Happens. History doesn't have any record of Mel Gibson's favorite Imaginary friend “Jesus.” That said - the process of hating something turns you into what you hate. So I guess you're on your way to becoming an American.

Could be, certainly we all get our invitations, but comments in chronological sequence need deeper nesting. Else it looks as if the following was typed in response to above, and it wasn't:

When dealing with sociopaths and psychopaths, it's remarkably effective to kill a few to demonstrate they are not so powerful, scattering the rest. By contrast extortion and slow coercion works on the non-sociopath and others who actually care about those around them, since they are afraid to rock boats. Every once in a while, we get war when the latter figure out they have no choice but the former.

No. And no. You don't grok people much - do you? - Sparky 19:51, 2004 Mar 27 (PST)

Who does? But war comes from somewhere. Some need to change the rules maybe.

You isolate and humilate the leaders to win non-violently - Sparky 19:38, 2004 Mar 29 (PST)

Can we put a quote in the Stephensonia from The Diamond Age here where Bud is getting read his rights under the CEP? - Mike Lorrey 4:48 PM EST 17 Jan 2005

Sure bet - remind me in a day or two - Sparky 15:43, 2005 Jan 17 (PST)

Do you really mind IF the "leaders" are assasinated by an artist? Assasination can be a kind of art. Think about altering probabilities of few states of entities around chosen person. No body will ever guess it was NOT an accident...IF they do people will call harm paranoid and accuse of silly beliefs... A.A

Not if it is the assasination of a fictional public character versus the actual person; Ask yourself why Bill Gates is afraid of cream pie? - Sparky

Excuse me, miss, but would'n't it impose on your time too greatly to explain for me please in concise terms the phrase cream pie? ALinkA

Bill has gotten pied publicly on a few occasions. If you think that is funny, look at todays Slashdot, which has an article about early 1980's Bill Gates pictures from Teen Beat, with Bill draped across a desk hanging over a blue monitor of death, with a look that combines "Make love to the camera" with "Dude, where's my car?" Boy could afford some great pot, apparently.