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  • Name: Mike Lorrey
  • DOB: 1/19/68
  • Location: New Hampshire

Known for

Libertarian politics. Presented NH state flag to Killington, VT town fathers on their vote to secede and join NH on March 2, 2004. Hopes to help spawn the development of Franchise Operated Quasi-National Entities (FOQNE) by encouraging other Vermont towns, and overtaxed communities across the US, to secede from their home states.

Former Vice-Chair LP of NH, 2004-2005. Campaign manager for congressional candidate Rich Kahn. Has appeared on NH Public Radio's "The Exchange", and other radio broadcasts. Author of online essays and blog(s).

Noted Extropian and transhumanist. Invented electroluminescent retrofit kit for exit signs and a tool called the "Slack Jack".

blog: The International Libertarian

Founder: Constitution Park Foundation - Pursuing eminent domain a la the Kelo v New London decision on the Plainfield, NH property of Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Breyer to build Constitution Park. This has resulted in the passage of a state constitutional amendment to restrict eminent domain specifically to government owned projects, which will go to a statewide vote in November, 2006.

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