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Talk:Stephenson:Neal:Quicksilver:Gomer Bolstrood

From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

Hints of things to come?

**"What's troubling you, then? I daresay you are the brooding-est fellow I have ever seen."

"These chairs."

"Did I hear you correctly, sir?"

"Look at them," Gomer Bolstrood said, in a voice hollow with despair. "Those who bult this estate had no shortage of money, of that you can be sure -- but the furniture! It is either stupid and primitive, like this ogre's throne I'm seated on, or else -- like yours -- raked together out of kindling, with about as much structural integrity as a faggot . I could make better chairs in an afternoon, drunk, given a shrub and a jackknife."**

I had a vision last night of launching a "Gomer Bolstrood & Sons Furniture Company", constructing Puritan/Baptist furniture to be sold exclusively with very high price tags to the digerati of Silicon Valley who miss the scent of grandma's furniture in the California ocean of IKEA.... I think I need to write a business plan about synergizing stockholder value in inventories of rosewood, teak, and other tropical old growth wood... Mike Lorrey