Gabriel Goto
From the Quicksilver Metaweb.
This is an intermediate page for Gabriel Goto - one of the cabal of ten in The Confusion.
Here's to confusion. Clearly the Gotos of Goto Engineering are fictional, but life is indeed odd.
Authored entries
- Stephenson:Neal:Cryptonomicon:1:Shanghai (Alan Sinder)
- Stephenson:Neal:Cryptonomicon:30:the real Philippines. Randy pays no attention to it (Alan Sinder)
- Stephenson:Neal:Cryptonomicon:107:Manila Shaftoes (Alan Sinder)
- Stephenson:Neal:Cryptonomicon:118:the good guys (Alan Sinder)
- Stephenson:Neal:Cryptonomicon:248:Kinakuta...(Alan Sinder)
- Stephenson:Neal:Cryptonomicon:277:a sharpened Y...(Alan Sinder)
- Stephenson:Neal:Quicksilver:36:According to what scheme? (Alan Sinder)
- Talk:Stephenson:Neal:Quicksilver:96:YOU AND I ARE BUT EARTH (Gary Thompson)
- Stephenson:Neal:The Confusion:32:St. Lemuel (Alan Sinder)
Gabriel Goto
The Japanese Etrog**
Gabriel Goto is one of The Ten in The Confusion. His background story is told, starting on page 594. He's Japanese (although 'Nipponese' is the term more often used here), but he's originally from Manila. He's Christian, raised by Jesuits. He would be a samurai if he had a master; instead, he's a ronin.
Some Japanese are possibly of ethnic Jewish descent ... which is why Shinto shrine seem to have Sukkot decorations up on New Years' day. Sukkot commemorates the life of the Israelites in the desert during their journey to the promised land, the Land of Israel. During their wandering in the desert they lived in booths (sukkot). The Torah directs Jews to use four species of plants to celebrate the holiday: the lulav (palm branch), the etrog (lemon-like citron), myrtle, and willow. Hosha'nah Rabbah - the seventh day of Sukkot - הושענא רבא Shemini Atzeret - the eighth day of Sukkot - שמיני עצרת Simhat Torah - the finale of Sukkot - שמחת תורה Curious how Christianity loses and then regains the fictional Goto clan. Wonder what other instititutions go for the long view. Further ponder: the "real life" Goto family crest pictures an inedible orange-green citrus fruit native to Japan and visibly similar to the etrog.
Christian Japanese Samurai
Akira Goto writes of his samurai spearman ancestor Matabei Mototsugu Goto and speculates if he was a secret Christian.
Judaism and Shinto
Many of the traditional ceremonies in Japan seem to indicate that the Lost Tribes of Israel came to ancient Japan. There's a bit of a mystery here. Even PBS's NOVA has visited this idea. Some Japanese suspect the Ark of the Covenant is hidden in the Mount Aso area.
There are those who claim that the Mikado, the Japanese emperor, is a descendant of the Hebrew tribe of Gad. 'Mikado' recalls the Hebrew word for 'his majesty the king,' 'Malchuto'.
Related entries
- samurai
- Azuchi-Momoyama_period, the early modern period of Japanese history
- Battle of Sekigahara
- Japanese contact with the West
- Lemuel Gulliver - he visits Japan
- Kamakura bakufu
- Tokugawa
- Goto Dengo
- Jack Shaftoe
- Bobby Shaftoe
- Cryptonomicon
- Philippines
- Battle of Leyte
- Pearl Harbor
- Battle of Midway
- Zimmermann Telegram
- Yamamoto Isoroku
External Links
- Lost tribes
- More on the lost tribes
- ISBN 1591160340 Vagabond, Volume 1 by Takehiko Inoue (Illustrator), Eiji Yoshikawa (Author) is about Miyamoto Musashi.
- Samurai Tour
- Ise Shrine
- The Kagome Crest at Ise Grand Shrine