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Goto Dengo

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a stub for Goto Dengo (ゴト・デンゴ)


N.T.S*. stated that he can not be sure, but Goto Dengo's eating of the Raw Shark on his swim to New Guinea may have been inspired by Alan Moore's “The Watchmen” comic, which he certainly read.* Berkeley, California on September 25th, 2003, Book reading and signing at Cody's on Telegraph.**

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The Black Frigate was a Meta-metaphor for the funneling of genres in comics in the USA and UK. Pirate comics replacing the underwear on the outside Superhero in the Watchman universe. It also meant other things such as Hades and the Fortress of Solitude-like arctic hideaway of the antagonist.

Mass Drownings

Real life Jack Kennedy was a sailor adrift at sea. In Cryptonomicon, being lost at sea, often without boat or hope happens.

We first meet Dengo as an ex-miner become soldier cum poet unafraid of interaction with his enemy Bobby Shaftoe. Going so far as to teach haiku to the Alley Oop-like Marine Raider.Goto-DengoAF-MW.jpg
Takara's Japanese WW2

Cryptonominon Excerpt: “… The Bund is jammed with onlookers in a riot of differently colored clothing, so one patch of uniform drab catches his eye: a group of Nip soldiers who've come down to bid their Yank counterparts a sarcastic farewell. Shaftoe scans the group looking for someone tall and bulky, and picks him out easily. Goto Dengo's waving to him.

Shaftoe takes his helmet off and waves back. Then, on impulse, just for the hell of it, he winds up and flings the helmet directly at Goto Dengo's head. The throw goes awry and Goto Dengo has to knock down about a dozen of his comrades in order to catch it. All of them seem to think that it is a high honor, as well as tremendously amusing, to be knocked down by Goto Dengo.

Twenty seconds later, a comet sails up out of the flesh cosmos of the Bund and bounces on the wooden deck of the gunboat--a hell of a throw. Goto Dengo is showing off his follow-through. The projectile is a rock with a white streamer wrapped around it. Shaftoe runs over and snatches it. The streamer is one of those thousand-stitch headbands (supposedly; he's taken a few off of unconscious Nips, but he's never bothered to count the stitches) that they tie around their heads as a good-luck charm; it has a meatball in the center and some Nip writing to either side. He unties it from around the rock. In so doing he realizes, suddenly, that it's not a rock after all; it is a hand grenade! But good old Goto Dengo was just joking--he didn't pull the pin. A nice souvenir for Bobby Shaftoe.

Shaftoe's first haiku (December 1940) was a quick and dirty adaptation of the Marine Creed:

“This is my rifle There are many like it but This rifle is mine. ...”

The calabash episode indicates Goto-san's humor. His surviving shows us his adaptability. He seems to have the kind of mind and lifespan of Daniel Waterhouse.