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Stephenson:Neal:The Confusion:Dramatis Personæ

From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

This is a list of the dramatis personæ in The Confusion who have entries in the Metaweb, or should have entries about them written. As this list grows, we may group people by family, region, religion, language, title or noble status, or other methods.

Characters who are based directly on actual historical persons of the same name are in bold. All other characters are purely fictional constructs or are based loosely on classes of people who existed at the time.

Natural Philosophers

Aristocrats, Politicians, and Clerics


Soldiers, Sailors, Slaves, Vagabonds, and Assorted Wanderers

Very Minor Characters

People mentioned only a few times with only a tiny part in the narrative, and historical persons who are mentioned but do not directly participate in the narrative.

See also

People Annotated So Far