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Talk:Stephenson:Neal:Quicksilver:Knott Bolstrood

From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

Daniel has the memory of Knott demolishing an organ at one of Archbishop Laud's Catherdrals.

IIRC (I don't have the text in front of me), 'Bolstrood' is a manufacturer of furniture referenced in Cryptonomicon (the 'Penthouse letter section with the Van Eck phreaking and in the divsion of Grandma Waterhouse's property after she goes into a home). Don't know if this is a (tenuous) link. BenW

There's a passage in the Gomer Bolstrood and its' (talk) area. This is the result of Pekka's phreaking Tom Howard's PC to win a bet - from Page 449 in Cryptonomicon ...

" ... So I went straight down to my local Gomer Bolstrood Home Gallery. I had heard people talk about Gomer Bolstrood furniture. Women, in particular, seemed to speak of it in hushed, religious tones. Their factory was said to be up in some New England town where they had been based for the last three hundred years. ... "

Grandma Waterhouse has a houseful of Gomer Bolstrood furniture (Page 596) which factors in how Randy get a stack of ETC cards later in the chapter entitled "ORIGIN."1

  1. Adobe's e-book Mall seems to allow for a better download than Amazon at the time of this note Sparky 02:14, 2003 Nov 18 (PST)