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Community: Writer:

a person who is able to write and has written something

Synonyms: author

abstracter, abstractor, Aiken, Alger, Algren, alliterator, Ambrose Bierce, Ambrose Gwinett Bierce, Andersen, Anderson, Aragon, Asch, Asimov, Auchincloss, Austen, authoress, Baldwin, Baraka, Barth, Barthelme, Baum, Beckett, Beerbohm, Bellow, Benchley, Benet, Bierce, biographer, coauthor, commentator, communicator, compiler, Conrad Aiken, Conrad Potter Aiken, contributor, diarist, diary keeper, Donald Barthelme, drafter, dramatist, encyclopedist, essayist, folk writer, framer, Frank Baum, gagman, gagster, gagwriter, ghost, ghostwriter, good speller, Gothic romancer, hack, hack writer, Hans Christian Andersen, Horatio Alger, Imamu Amiri Baraka, Isaac Asimov, James Arthur Baldwin, James Baldwin, Jane Austen, John Barth, John Simmons Barth, joint author, journalist, LeRoi Jones, librettist, literary hack, literate, literate person, litterateur, Louis Aragon, Louis Auchincloss, Louis Stanton Auchincloss, Lyman Frank Brown, lyricist, Max Beerbohm, Nelson Algren, novelist, pamphleteer, paragrapher, playwright, poet, poetiser, poetizer, poor speller, reviewer, rhymer, rhymester, Robert Benchley, Robert Charles Benchley, Samuel Beckett, Saul Bellow, scenarist, scrawler, scribbler, scriptwriter, Shalom Asch, Sherwood Anderson, Sholem Asch, Sholom Asch, Sir Henry Maxmilian Beerbohm, space writer, speechwriter, speller, tragedian, transcriber, versifier, William Rose Benet, wordmonger, word-painter, wordsmith

Webster's 1913 Dictionary Definition:

\Writ"er\, n. [AS. wr[=i]tere.] 1. One who writes, or has written; a scribe; a clerk. They [came] that handle the pen of the writer. --Judg. v. 14. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer. --Ps. xlv. 1.

  1. One who is engaged in literary composition as a profession; an author; as, a writer of novels. This pitch, as ancient writers do report, doth defile. -- Shakespear.

  2. A clerk of a certain rank in the service of the late East India Company, who, after serving a certain number of years, became a factor. {Writer of the tallies} (Eng. Law), an officer of the exchequer of England, who acted as clerk to the auditor of the receipt, and wrote the accounts upon the tallies from the tellers' bills. The use of tallies in the exchequer has been abolished. --Wharton (Law. Dict.) {Writer's} {cramp, palsy, or spasm} (Med.), a painful spasmodic affection of the muscles of the fingers, brought on by excessive use, as in writing, violin playing, telegraphing, etc. Called also {scrivener's palsy}. {Writer to the signet}. See under {Signet}.