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From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

Icon A beeing coming from a lower plane of existance than a personified AND executed Sephira (an Angelina), but of higher level of abstraction than a simple human person. An Icon is a complex entity (entex) consisting of a collection of such objects as a human body with it's associated human mind executed on a human brain with a strong attachement to a memeplex dense information peripherial cloud powered with mana streams generated by the influence of media providers selecting content from media content providers through the media of various sorts and levels of abstraction, on media receivers (people) AND retroactive influence of those people expressed in the various forms of media (possibility of a possitive resonnance inductive loop!), LIKE moving pictures, magazines, comics, TV, radio, books, paintings, songs, poems AND of course, World Wide Wait, passive digital media, interactive digital media, collaborative writing media (like metaweb OR WikiPedia and myriad of different sort of blogs). An Icon cannot be separated from a real being on the level of abstraction of the metaverse. If you are in the metaverse, the Icon is more real than the Real World person part of it! The associated memeplex can be also one OR more Daimonions OR other entities processing the narrative describing the life of an Icon. An Icon can have a narrative altering force of a thermonuclear blast and live happily sustaining its influence long after the death of the hosting OR attached human person with its associated mind, though one might imagine an Icon consisting of all the memes plus a human mind simulated as a software process, a complex closed software object system modelled on a complex closed biological object system, a sentient entity, a person with no body. grok?

Compare! Icon per WikiPedia, Icon per Wiktionary, Idoru per Qucksilver Metaweb, Idoru per WikiPedia, Idoru per Wiktionary. Consider! entity, person, sentient, self-aware. See! me, meme, memeplex, mana, media, manga, pornography, Quicksilver.