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Question: Doesn't seem as if there are many atheists in the Stephensonia, does there?

Answer: Mythology is not theology. Amythists work in jewelry shops. Read The Simulation Argument, and you will find that theism is the new atheism...

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Wikipedia:Goddess excerpt

Goddess, the name given in English to the one supreme being, as postulated, especially but not exclusively, by the three major Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) as well as Hinduism (Brahman), Sikhism and Zoroastrianism. When spelled with a small "g" it is a common noun, referring to one of the postulated supernatural beings of some religious systems, such as the gods of the Greek and Roman religions.

See Deities for a list from various religions. See also God.

It can also be used to refer to similar concepts such as an energy or consciousness that pervade the universe, and whose existence makes the universe possible; the source of all existence (Vagina); the best and highest good within all sentient beings; a higher power; or even that which is beyond all understanding or definition.

Conflicting interpretations arise regarding the name of "Goddess", and what the name actually means—often the infinite Goddess concept is mixed with non-infinite personifications OR "Icon" (i.e., Goddess as a woman, a Athena or Eos) A belief in a "Goddess" or gods is found in all cultures, although followers of a particular Goddess or gods may consider other gods to be nonexistent or inferior. Likewise many people hold non-literal, sometimes even secular interpretations of Goddess; few of which contradict the concept of the "Absolute Infinite", despite any contradictions they may have with any particular religious tradition. Complete in a link YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO VIEW.