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Stephenson:Neal:Quicksilver:Chapter Thumbnails with Character Appearances

From the Quicksilver Metaweb.

This is a version of Stephenson:Neal:Quicksilver:Chapter Thumbnails with many character appearances noted.

This is inspired & motivated by Chapter Thumbnails for Infinite Jest. "Knowing the jist of each chapter, I found, makes it easy to hop around and reread relevant passages; these notes were, for me, VERY helpful in keeping track..."

Here are the notes I took when reading it. People mentioned are in parentheses. I took page numbers from my first edition US hardback, though the page numbers appear to match the trade paperback, which even has the same typos. Characters noted varied; once the main characters appeared for a while, I'd stop writing them down, & I was otherwise lax. I'm also adding characters in spots as I re-read. In respect to the character appearances, consider this a work in progress.

page, location, date, characters, (characters mentioned)

Book 1: Quicksilver

  • 3, Boston Common, 12 Oct 1713, Enoch Root (exp), Ben Franklin, (Daniel Waterhouse), (Leibniz), Godfrey William Waterhouse
  • 24, Grantham, 1655, Root, Clarke, Isaac Newton, (Leibniz)
  • 34, Massachusetts, 12 Oct 1713, Root, Daniel Waterhouse (who appears in the rest of the chapters of Book 1), (Gomer Bolstrood), (Wilkins), (Princess Caroline)
  • 51, Cambridge, 1661, Roger Comstock, George Jefferys, Newton, Drake Waterhouse, Raleigh Waterhouse, Sterling Waterhouse, Earl of Upnor, Duke of Monmouth
  • 63, Mass., 12 Oct 1713, Daniel's wife, child, nephew), Mrs. Goose, Root
  • 70, Cambridge, 1663, Isaac
  • 73, Minerva, Mass. Bay, Oct 1713, Captain Otto van Hoek
  • 74, Cambridge, 1664, Isaac
  • 76, Minerva, Oct 1713, (Isaac)
  • 82, River Cam(bridge), 1665, Isaac
  • 90, Minerva, Nov 1713
  • 93, London, The Plague Year, Summer 1665, Drake, (Mayflower Ham), (Oldenburg), (John Wilkins), Thomas Ham
  • 112, Epsom (short journey from London), 1665-1666, John Wilkins, Robert Hooke, (John Comstock), Hooke, Charles Comstock, Duke of York (James Stuart), (Carlos II), (Fermat)
  • 147, Minerva, Nov 1713, Dappa, van Hoek
  • 150, Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, Spring 1666, Isaac, Drake (exeunt), King Charles II
  • 162, Minerva, Nov 1713, Dappa, van Hoek, (Edward Teach (Blackbeard))
  • 167, Charing Cross, 1670, Isaac, (Anne Hyde), (Carlos II), Mr. & Mrs. Winston Churchill, (Praise-God Waterhouse), Thomas Ham (now the Viscount Walbrook), Sterling & Beatrice Waterhouse, Earl of Upnor, (King Charles II), (M. LeFebure)
  • 182, Royal Society Meeting at Gresham's College, 12 Aug 1670, Root, Oldenburg, Wilkins (now the Bishop of Chester), Samuel Pepys, Mayflower Ham, (Leibniz), Sterling & Beatrice, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Apthorp, Isaac, Comstock, Duke of Gunfleet (Thomas More Anglesey, father of Earl of Upnor), Earl of Upnor, Christopher Wren, Winston Churchill, Hooke, (Henrietta Anne), John Comstock (Earl of Epsom)
  • 217, Minerva, Nov 1713, van Hoek, Dappa
  • 221, Gresham's College, Bishopsgate, London, 1672, Hooke, Pepys, Wilkins, Gomer & Knott Bolstrood, Duke of Monmouth, John Churchill, John Comstock
  • 236, College of the Holy & Undivided Trinity, 1672, Cambridge, Richard Apthorp, Jefferys, Roger Comstock, Charles II; Thomas, Philip, & Louis Anglesey; Oldenberg, Tess Charter, Robert Boyle, John Locke, LeFebure, Isaac
  • 260, London Bridge, 1673, Leibniz, Wilkins, Hooke
  • 279, Minerva, Nov 1713
  • 283, Royal Society Meeting, 1673, John & Roger Comstock, Robert Boyle, Gunfleet, Upnor, Hooke, Leibniz, LeFebure, Oldenberg, Earl of Epsom
  • 301, Minerva, Nov 1713, Dappa, van Hoek
  • 307, London, 1673, Tess, Thomas Ham (exeunt), Raleigh, Sterling, Richard Apthorp, Hooke, Leibniz, (John & Richard Comstock), (Anglesey), (Nell Gwyn), Earl of Epsom
  • 331, Minerva, Nov 1713, Blackbeard

Book 2: King of the Vagabonds

  • 339, London, Shaftoe, 1665, Shaftoes: Mother, Dick, Bob, & Jack; John Cole
  • 350, The Continent, Summer 1683, Jack Shaftoe, (James II (Duke of York)), (John Churchill), (Bob Shaftoe), John Sobieski (King of Poland-Lithuania), Eliza
  • 376, Erstwhile Camp of Grand Vizier Khan Mustapha, Sept 1683, Eliza (exp), (Bob), (The Parsonage)
  • 390, Bohemia, Autumn 1683, Jack & Eliza, (Winston & John Churchill), (Bob)
  • 403, Bohemia, Winter 1683-4, Jack & Eliza, Winston & John Churchill, (Charles II, Louis XIV)
  • 413, Leipzig, April 1684, Jack & Eliza, Leibniz, Lothar von Hacklheber, Herr Geidel
  • 430, Saxony, April 1684, Jack & Eliza, Enoch, Leibniz, (Newton), (the Parsonage)
  • 450, Harz Mountains, Walpurgisnacht 1684, Jack & Eliza, Enoch, Leibniz
  • 465, The Place, Amsterdam, Summer 1684, Jack & Eliza, Enoch, Leibniz
  • 484, The Dutch Republic to Paris, 1684, Jack (exp), Arlanc, St. George, Christopher Esphahnian
  • 502, Paris, Winter 1684-5, Jack, Esphahnians
  • 512, The Hague, Feb 1685, Eliza, d'Avaux (Jean Antoine de Mesmes), Gomer Bolstrood, (Sluys), Duke of Monmouth, Mary of Orange
  • 531, France, early 1685, Jack, Arlanc, John Churchill
  • 544, Amsterdam, April 1685, Eliza, Etienne d'Archachon, d'Avaux, Duke of Monmouth, Sluys, Gomer Bolstrood, Aaron & Abraham de la Vega
  • 558, Paris, Spring 1685, Jack, John Churchill, duc d'Avaux, Louis XIV, Etienne
  • 577, Amsterdam, 1685, Jack & Eliza, Yevgeny, (Mr. Foot)
  • 587, Amsterdam, June 1685, Eliza, (Leibniz), d'Avaux, William, Prince of Orange
  • 599, Coast of Europe & North Africa, 1685, Jack, Bob Shaftoe, Mr. Foot, Yevgeny

Book 3: Odalisque

  • 613, Whitehall Palace, Feb 1685, Daniel, Roger & John Comstock, Pepys, Angleseys, (Flamsteed), Robert Hooke, (Charles I), James II, John Churchill
  • 636, Versailles, Summer 1685, letters from Eliza to d'Avaux, to Leibniz, Louis XIV, Liselotte, de Beziers, d'Oyonnax, d'Ozoir, de Gex
  • 659, London, Spring 1685, Daniel, Roger Comstock, Hooke, Newton, (Flamsteed)
  • 688, Beach North of Scheveningen, Oct 1685, Eliza, Bob, William of Orange
  • 697, Dorset, June 1685, Bob, Eliza, Christiaan Huygens, (Jack, Mr. Foot), (Abigail Frome)
  • 716, The Exchange (between Threadneedle & Cornhill), Sept 1686, Daniel, Richard Apthorp, Roger Comstock, Edmund Palling
  • 729, Versailles, 1687, Eliza to d'Avaux, Etienne, de Maintenon, de Gex, Louis XIV, & to Leibniz
  • 739, Bank of Het Kanaal, Between Scheveningen & the Hague, Dec 1687, Daniel, Eliza, Nicolas Fatio de Duillier, Enoch, William Penn, William of Orange
  • 772, Versailles, early 1688, Eliza to Leibniz
  • 774, The Star Chamber, Westminster Palace, April 1688, Daniel, Jefferys, (Sterling, Eliza)
  • 788, Versailles, July 1688, Eliza, to d'Avaux, Daniel, Sterling, Liselotte
  • 793, Tower of London, Summer & Autumn 1688, Daniel, Bob, Hooke, from Leibniz
  • 811, Château Juvisy, Nov 1688, Bonaventure Rossignol, (Eliza), to Louis XIV, d'Avaux, (Leibniz)
  • 815, St. Cloud, Aug 1688, Eliza to d'Avaux, Liselotte
  • 819, Rossignol to Louis XIV cont., Nov 1688, Eliza
  • 820, French Embassy, the Hague, 17 Sept 1688, Eliza, (Eleanor, Caroline)
  • 821, Rossignol to Louis XIV cont., Nov 1688, Eliza, d'Avaux, William of Orange, Fatio
  • 829, Journal Entry, 17 Aug 1688 - 16 Sept 1688, Eliza, Etienne, Eleanor, Caroline
  • 853, Rossignol to Louis XIV cont., Nov 1688, Eliza, d'Avaux
  • 855, Sheerness, England, 11 Dec 1688, Daniel, Enoch, Bob, James II, Jimmy & Danny, John Churchill, Locke, Newton, Upnor, Fatio, Jefferys
  • 887, Venice, July 1689, Leibniz to Eliza, Eleanor, Caroline
  • 892, The Hague, Aug 1689, Eliza, (Enoch), Eleanor, Caroline, d'Avaux, Etienne, Bon-bon
  • 903, Bishopsgate, Oct 1689, Daniel, Pepys, Hooke, Huygens, Isaac, Fatio, Boyle, Locke, Roger Comstock, Christopher Wren, Edmund Palling, Sterling, (Richard Apthorp), (Eliza)

917, Dramatis Personae